Reader x Giotto

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"Bwahahaha,lambo- San will save you (y/n)!"
"Wait lambo , don't because you'll-"
~ crash~
"(Sigh)break something."you said.

You were in the Vongola headquarters with the first generation Vongola .
"Who did it!"yelled G.
"Ughhhh...."you both said.
"Agh!You ! Broccoli headed kid, what'd you break?"
Lambo pointed at a sculpture of Giotto,the first Vongola boss.
G's eyes almost popped out,
"G-giotto sama's SCULPTURE!!!!"
G went over to the shattered work of art and tried to figure out where each piece belonged."LAMBO!!"
'' Run, you heard him , run lambo."you said.
Lambo ran off like a rocket and G right behind him.
- crash,bang,boom-
"It wasn't me it was (y/n) , she was in trouble and she didn't catch me before I hit the sculpture!"
You bolted off to the other hallway and did lots of zigzags and turns so you wouldn't be found so easily,but to be on the safe side you went in a room.
It was dark except for a few candles that were lit.
"Phew,this'll keep me safe for a few hours."you breathed.
"Why's that,(y/n)?"
You turned around and saw Giotto sitting behind his desk writing a letter to someone.
"Sorry Giotto , I was just framed by Lambo, I don't even know why I brought him with me." You said.
" Don't worry , whoever is chasing you will understand ."
"You think so? Then G will stop chasing me."
"Yeah,he's the one who's chasing me."
"Oh,then forget what I said then..."
You sweat dropped , and took a seat in one of the cushiony chairs .
" (Y/n), did you know that you remind me of an orchid ?"
You involuntarily turned pink..YOU TURNED PINK!
"Hahaha,you're starting to look like one too."
"Ok. that's enough,Giotto."
"Sorry (y/n), but you are beautiful..."
"Thanks I guess.""
"No really,i mean it."
You looked at him, it was hard to believe that someone would think about you in that way,especially him .
Giotto got up and pulled a chair next to you.He grabbed your hand and kissed it. "Mio,amore."
He kissed your cheek.
"So soft and warm."he purred .
"How long do you think it'll take G to find you?"
" I-I guess a couple of hours."
"That's all I need."
~a good 45 minutes pass by~
"Giotto -San I need to ask you-"
Lampo's eyes widened when he saw the two of you,"MY EYES , MY INNOCENT EYES!!!!"
You two just shrugged and continued, doing whatever it is you two were doing,certainly naughty.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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