From Me To You (Part 2)

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Chapter 23; 

(part 2)

Florida’s a very sunny state. The hotel we’re staying at has an amazing view of the beach! And it gets even more exciting: After the boys perform tonight, we’ll have six free days! They’ll be on the Ed Sullivan Show once again, which I am actually supposed to be getting ready for right now. 

I actually like the weather here, I can walk out in a short sleeve dress and not even shiver once. It’s not like I’m going out tonight anyways; the show will be inside the hotel and then we’re leaving to stay in one of George Martin’s friends house, who lives on a very private beach and will make sure that we get at least a small amount of time to relax. 

The boys have been writing lately and have even been pitched a movie idea, they’ve thought of the name ‘The Beatles’ and ‘Beatlemania’. Not very creative yeah? 

“Come on! You don’t want to be late!” Brian says, banging at Paul and I’s bedroom. 

“Come ‘ed. You ‘eard him.” I said picking up my suit case. 

“Let’s ditch it. You and I can run away together and never look back. Let’s go. Now. Yes?” Paul says grabbing my hips and kissing my lips softly making me giggle 

“Paulie, that sounds amazing. But how about we do it during a time that I won’t be killed yeah?” 

“Then later we will run away.” 

“Sure Paulie, as long as you’re with me.” I tell him, with a small giggle, kissing him lips once more before pushing out of his grasp and out of the door with my suitcase. 

“I’ll take that for you.” Neil tells me as I approach the door. 

“I wouldn’t mind Ne-” 

“Neither do I. I don’t think people would understand you walking down there with yer suitcase.” Neil tells me jokingly and I let go of my grip on the handle, letting him take it. I walking back into the sitting room, were I had seen Brian at. 

“Is he ready?” Brian asked, putting his hand over the receiver of the phone. 

“He should be.” John says walking in doing his tie. 

“John! Come back here!” Donna yells and walks out after him. “You bloody don’t know how to tie a tie. Come here.” She says, and puts of tie around his neck, slipping it under the collar and then putting the two sides at the same length. 

“Will you check on the other three?” John asked, letting out an annoyed sigh. 

“Yeah, sure.” I tell him, walking towards the rooms, and opening the bedroom door. “Be ready in five-” 

“THREE MINUTES!” John yells from the living room

“Three minutes.” I tell him, leaving the door open and going towards the other set of doors. I walk into Ringo’s room, “Ringo, be rea-” I begin but a pillow hits me smack dab in the face. 

“Bloody bugga!” Ringo says, coming by my side to help me up “I thought you were Geo!”  Ringo tells me, getting me to my feet. 

“Nah, he didn’t!” George says from behind me. 

“Ah, Clear off! I cock up! It was a mistake. I’m terribly sorry love, I really didn’t mean too. But yer looking dishy, as always.” 

“Compliments won’t chuff her! She’ll have a bruise,” George says, getting into my face. “You’ll need some ice.” 

“No I don’t.” I tell him, swatting his hand away from my face “you guys need to be ready in three minutes.” 

“I just need my tie tied!” George tells me as Ringo goes to get his. 

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