Sexy mofo.😂❤️

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So, as this chapter says it's about sexy mofo. Lol sexy mofo is my best friend. She amazing and I love her so much. We have only know each other for such little time and we have so many memories. She was with me on my 15th birthday, the night before we got hella drunk.😂 I pissed in a trash can and she peed on my porch, we thought the lights were moons and my Ceiling had stars on it. Lol. Me and her get in trouble together all the time basically. We are literally with each other 24/7 and if we arnt then we're texting, Haha. I'm just glad she's in my life we have laughed, cried and done crazy shit together and I'm glad I meet her. She's my ride or die. I thank god for her everyday.❤️

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