(Chapter Two) Apart

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(I Do Not Own Any Drawings That isn't signed by me, if it is signed "LolPopa'sTrue" I drew the drawings so I give the artists some credit. I give you credit for dat artists)

(Sans' POV)
I teleported back to my house. Then I saw Tori Talking To Papyrus
Sans: Tori? What are you doing here?
Toriel: I would like a chat with you on private
Sans: oh, sure...soooo what are we gonna talk about?
Toriel: about you and Frisk
Sans: ok
Toriel: I saw that "Flirt" And Kiss with Frisk
Sans: what are you talking about?
Toriel: I saw you two kissing. I was watching with Alphys' cameras so You can't lie
Sans: sigh. Yeah, yeah I kissed her. What happens next?
Toriel: If you don't stop Flirting with Frisk. You won't see her Again, FOREVER
Sans: What? But-
Toriel: No Buts!
Sans: Tori!
Toriel: If I see you getting close ups with frisk. I'll make sure you won't see her again. Is that clear?
Sans: no, it's kinda blurry. I might change the lights
Toriel: Sans, I'm serious
Sans: Yeah, Yeah. I got it
Toriel: If I see you two at school Close Together YOURE DEAD TO ME. I'm gonna tell frisk the same thing

Sans: good thing Tori's gone now. Sigh

((Time skip at school))
(Frisk's POV)
I was at the entrance waiting for sans, I still haven't told him my feelings yet. Yet we kissed but, I'd still tell him I don't know when though it's kinda hard to tell him...
I saw Sans Wearing his hoodie. His hoodie was put on and he didn't make eye contact with anyone. Then I waved at him, but he didn't wave back. He didn't even look at me, He looks Sad and he walked pass me. Then we go to the class room

(Tori's POV)
I didn't actually tell Frisk anything. Only Sans. I keep seeing Frisk staring at Sans
Toriel: Okay Kids! You can Sit where ever you want

Sans didn't move. I feel kinda bad so I told the kids to switch seats

(Frisk's POV)
I see Sans Writing Something. He didn't even move when Mom Said switch seats. Then I sat beside him
Frisk: Hi Sans!
Sans: hey...
He didn't make eye contact with me at all
Frisk: Sans, When you feel BONELY I'm here for you, okay?
Sans: yeah, sure.
I think he doesn't believe me. I just held his left hand
Mom was staring at me since I held Sans' hand she turned on the Monitor and said "Okay. Now Copy the things that are on the monitor"
I had to let go of sans because i have to write...then I noticed Sans Wasn't even Writing
Frisk: Sans, Are you okay?
He didn't respond

He stood up and go to the bathroom without asking Toriel
Then my friend "Michael" Sat beside me
Michael: Is that your crush? Why isn't he talking to you? He's jus ignoring you. Maybe...turns out he doesn't like you
Frisk: I don't know. I really don't know

Sans came back and stared at Michael. He didn't sit beside me. He Sat In the back area. Where the broken chairs are stocked he sat on a pretty durable chair. But not sturdy
I came closer to Sans and I said "Sans you can sit beside me, with Michael. It smells like Poop here"
Sans: you can be with yer Michael. I won't disturb you
I was confused, I came to mom's counter and said "Mom? Why is Sans acting so Different? Do you know something that I don't?

Toriel: I noticed too, my child. He didn't even say goodmorning to me. He didn't even say good morning to you! Maybe he found the girl he's gonna marry
I was kinda jealous but not at the same time
Sans: Tori. Can I go home?
Toriel: No! You're in school! You should not go home. You wanna learn right? Well. I'll teach you everything if you stay and listen
Sans: I wanna learn how to lo-
Toriel: what is it?
Sans: it's nothin' I just want to go home. I don't care, I only come here to see my Crush. And you don't even allow me, so what's the point? Learn? Listen for like 9 hours?! That's boring

Then he leaves the room
Frisk: Mom? That's so mean! You don't even allow him to see her crush? What if Asgore was taken away from you? That's how it feels

I followed Sans to the underground in at WaterFalls. He doesn't see me behind him. He kneeled down and said
Sans: I wish I could- Frisk? What are you doing here?
Frisk: no! What are YOU doing here!? You Just ignore me at school?!
Sans: you don't understand Frisk. I-
Frisk: what do you mean I don't understand?
Sans: sigh just go. Tori's gonna be mad at me
Frisk: What? Explain!!!
Sans: it's...

Then he hugged me, I hugged back. Sans let's go the hug.
Sans: I thought Tori told you
Frisk: Told me what?
Sans: We can't be doing this, Frisk. Tori's gonna-... Sigh... You just won't understand!

Then he teleports. I came back to school, i talked to mom and said "Mom, Sans told me something that. You "Forgot to tell me something"
Toriel: huh? It's nothing, my child *LIE*
Frisk: Sans is not a liar. So tell me!
Toriel: if you want to take your "relationship" with Sans TOO seriously. Then you have to wait! You're only 16 years old
Frisk: what are you talking about? We don't have a relationship! We're only friends! Best friends!
Toriel: So you call Sans kissing you on the lips a "Friendly thing"
Frisk: what are you talking about mom!? We didn't kiss!
Toriel: I was at Alphys' lab using her cameras, and I saw two of you kiss each other. No lying.
(The students can hear what they're talking about)
Toriel: So if you still want to see him, be different! Be not who you are!.. Act like you were in a car accident!
Frisk: huh? Are you saying that I should forget Sans?
Toriel: No, I'm just telling you to let go of Sans. You'll find another Man, Frisk.
Frisk: But he's-
Toriel: No

((Time-skip Frisk Acted like She was in a car accident))
(Frisk's POV)
I saw Sans at the gate, waiting for me. Then he finally sees me
Sans: heya frisk, sorry for ignoring you at school. I was just busy and stuff.

And I said"Who are you?! I don't even know you"
Sans: I'm Sans! You already forgot about me?

Then he hugs me
Frisk: Let Go Of Me!!!
I pushed him down. He fell on his butt, I felt bad and sad. Then some random boys beats him down...I cried I felt my tears fall down, and I turned around just so sans couldn't see me crying
Toriel: Hey Stop It!
Undyne: what happened here!?
Alphys: Some r-random b-boys beat h-him down
Asriel: Frisk! Help Us!

I followed mom, and said "I can't be doing this anymore mom"
Toriel: you'll get over him

Sans: w-what happened

I looked back to see if sans is okay, then i see some bruises and wounds.
He looked at me. He looked confused...after 1 month, I keep doing the same thing. Pushing Sans around and The guys that beat him the first time keeps beating him down. I don't know if mom is sending those guys...I hated every moment of it.
Then for the Last Time I see Sans. He had bruises, wounds
Some parts of his chunks of bones are gone
Sans: heya kid...I guess this is the last time I'm gonna be talkin to ya. So just tell me if the boys that beats me are gonna come

He can't open his left eye.

Sans: I forgive you. But uhh, since you don't remember me...Sigh Forget it.

He gave me something. A bracelet

Sans: hopefully you won't forget that...from S-Sans...

He was crying

Sans: I guess it's just a F-RISK Loving Frisk huh? I better go now, Those dudes are gonna come soon

He teleported back to his house and after that. I cried and I saw Undyne,Alphys,papyrus,mettaton. And Monster Kid.
Undyne: What is wrong with you!?
Alphys: umm. He was j-just trying t-to get y-you back frisk.
Mettaton: Why do you act like you don't remember him? You still remember us, but him!? How could you possibly forget him...
Monster Kid: You changed

I cried and cried and cried, they just left me. And Toriel comes.
Toriel: Come, my child

To be continued...
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