Few Years Later After Humans And Monsters Had Alliance Again A Human Named Frisk Freed The Monsters From The Underground...
((Frisk's POV)) I Texted Sans "Hi Sans! Can I go to your house? Just a sleepover" I Sat on my bed while waiting for Sans to Respond "Heya Kiddo, Sure You can" Sans replied "Really? Thanks! I'm coming over now" I replied out of happiness. I'm walking towards Sans' and Papyrus' House Then Sans Texted Me saying "Heya kid. I need to sleep, I could wait for you but I'm tired I'm sorry. I'll just see you tomorrow I guess, but you can still come but by the time you get here I might be already sleeping" "Good Night!" I Replied. Then Sans didn't reply, maybe he's already asleep
(Time Skip on Sans' And Papyrus' House)
I knocked on the door. I was worried that both of them might be asleep already, I waited for 7 minutes Then finally Papyrus Opened the door "Hello Human! Come in! It might be cold outside" Papyrus Said. "Where's Sans?" I said. "He's on the couch sleeping, he was waiting for you to come 10 minutes ago" Papyrus Replied. I Wish I could've came sooner, but it's okay there's still tomorrow...Then I saw Sans on the couch sleeping, I walked towards him I kneeled down. I was gonna kiss him on the cheekbone, but he turned and I was gonna kiss him on the "lips" but he woke up "heya kid, you made it!" Sans yawned. I blushed and hoped that he wasn't faking that he's sleeping, I hope he doesn't know I was trying to kiss him "hi Sans, did I disturb you from sleeping? I'm sorry" I said "No, No, you didn't, thanks for coming over though I really appreciate that" Sans Said. "You shouldn't thank me! I should thank you! For letting me come over" I Replied. Sans Yawned and said "I'll sleep now kiddo. Goodnight, and you can sleep with Papyrus if You want to, he's tough and he could protect you"...Then I said to myself "But I want to Sleep with you!" We made eye contact for like 30 seconds and then he sleeps. I blushed a little then I asked Papyrus if I can sleep with him. He said "Of Course Human! But I have to go to mettaton's house. I live there now, wanna come with me?" "Sorry Paps but I'm just gonna stay here, I'll sleep in your room" I said. "Okay Human!" Papyrus Said before he left.
So I said to myself "Just Ask Sans to sleep with you, come on! You can do it!" Then I walked towards Sans. I didn't ask him yet but I tried to give him his goodnight kiss on the cheekbone. He turned so I managed to kiss him on the "Lips" I blushed so hard because I didn't mean to kiss him on his "Lips" He woke up seeing me blushing. "Sup kid. You alright?" He said. "Yeah I'm fine Sans!" I replied while blushing "What happened? Yer crush texted ya?" I didn't know what to say at this point. Do I say the truth or lie? I lied and said "How'd you know? Stalker!!!" I'm so bad at acting "What? I'm not a stalker...I was sleeping" He replied. I said to myself "How am I gonna get through this conversation without telling him??!" Then I thought of an idea "I'll sleep now Bye!" I ran to Papyrus' Room while blushing, I covered my face Then Sans Knocked On the door "Kid Are you Alright?" He said. Then I replied "I'm okay!" "Open The door"Sans Said "uhh okay! Just wait!" I opened the door. Sans touched my hair and said "What's wrong?" "It's nothing! I'm okay! Don't worry about me!" I replied. "I care about you because you're my best friend" Sans Said then I blushed "So what's wrong?" He Asked. "It's nothing, seriously!" I replied. "You can sleep with me anytime. I'm just sayin' but I know you won't" He Said "I will!"
(Time skip sleeping cus I'm lazy)
I woke up and I saw Sans sleeping beside me, I was blushing so hard cause I never knew this could happen then I fell asleep beside him
(Time Skip Morning, Sorry for the Time skips, I can't think of anything)
Papyrus was home and Me And Sans Were still sleeping. Papyrus Saw 2 People Underneath a blanket. Papyrus Removed the blanket and sees us
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Papyrus puts back the blanket "Oh My God! They're cute!" Papyrus Said. Then I woke up, Sans was Still Sleeping. I felt Sans' Arm Around me. I blushed, my face was so red then he woke up. I'm faking my sleep so he couldn't spot me blushing, yet I'm still blushing
(Sans' POV) I woke up seeing Frisk Staring at me, I saw her before she tried sleeping again. She's the sunshine to my life, then I kissed her on the forehead. Her face turned red, I guess she's blushing? Then I said "Kid? You acting sleeping?" She didn't reply so that led me thinkin' that she's still sleeping. I was staring at her while sleeping then I fell inlove. Then she finally wakes up She Yawned and said "Good Morning Sans" "Good Mornin'" I replied. She stood up and did a sexy stretch, I blushed and stood up. I'm makin' spaghetti.
We're eating breakfast. I said to frisk "Want some ketchup" she replied "Yeah" I gave her the ketchup, she puts the ketchup on the burg. She ate the burg and the ketchup was on her cheek. Then I touched her face and licked the ketchup on her cheek. I was kinda nervous that she doesn't feel the same way I do
(Frisk's POV) Sans touched my face, I was ready from sans kissing me, but he didn't kiss me. She licked the ketchup on my cheek, I blushed and my face turned red. I still don't know if he feels the same way I do then I stood up and I said "It was Delicious Sans, thanks!" And quickly washed the dishes
(Sans' POV) I said "Is something wrong?" And she replied saying "No, nothing's wrong" I was nervous and scared. She might hate me now. Then she was walking towards Papyrus' Room, I was following her. "Did I do something wrong?" I said. But she didn't respond. She almost fell down, but luckily I caught her. She blushed then I kissed her on the lips it only lasted for 2 seconds
(Frisk's POV) I was walking towards Papyrus' Room. But I slipped then Sans caught me, he kissed me for 2 seconds. I blushed so hard and my face turned red. I told sans that I have to go and he said "I'll take you there" He carried me and asked where we're going and I said "I can go on my own, Besides! I'm always a loner" then he replied "Come on Kid. I'm always here for you," I blushed Harder and said "Thanks but. I can protect myself, I promise" "You don't have to protect yourself. I'm here to protect you!" He replied "Fine, fine...I'm going to My house. "Alright!" He said before we teleported "Thanks Sans" I thanked him. "No problem kid. Anytime" then he kissed me on the cheek and I kissed him back. I'm Blushing so HARD. "I'll go now frisk, take care!" He said. "Okay Sans, Thanks! And I lov-..." I almost said I love you to him "What? Sorry I didn't quite hear what you said" he asked. "Thanks!" I responded
Hi guys! Thanks for viewing. The second one is coming soon!