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Our school day was typical, boring and well, annoying. I absolutely hate school, like a ton. There was just something about walking the halls of depressed teens and overly villainous teachers that got to you over time.

The halls were crowded, overly packed with different students all dressed in the popular fashion. And then there were us; I've seen them, the others around. We were what you call different; we were pale and tall, quiet and loud and just overall strange.

I've never talked to them before, no matter what we have in common.

I like to think that the Strangers were like the colours to a dull world. We were the out going ones, the ones with strange eye colours and different shoes. It was who we were.

Of course none of us talked to each other until today, when something very weird happened to us all.

Our teacher was cut off by the overhead receiver going off with an announcement. "Would all classes make their ways' down to the gymnasium, all classes to the gymnasium." The receiver cut off with a loud static before silencing.

Instantly all the students stood up and walked from the room, rushing almost to get there. I staid behind, looking around before whispering something. Something bad was going to happen today; I had that feeling.

I stepped from the class room, into the bustling halls and stopped, pressing my back to the wall. I could feeling someone staring at me, and when I looked to my left I saw him; a tall boy with unnaturally vivid blue and green eyes. But like he was there he was gone.

The crowd slowly dispersed, and I had to speed walk to the gym to make it in time. The principal was walking onto the stage when I walked in, slowly making my way to a spot on the bleachers.

The lights dimmed, a brighter one on the stage. Mr Garbs picks up a microphone, speaking into it. "Good morning students, I have a feeling you are wondering why I have called you all here. As our new semester has started I thought it'd be nice to go over the rules once more.

"I hope you all remember them at least somewhat well. No inappropriate clothing," he glares at some girls. "No cussing, bullying will not be tolerated..." the list went on forever.

I was getting drowsy, slowly falling asleep with my head rested on my hand. Why were we doing this again? No one ever listened anyways, and some people didn't even care.

But then; the lights turn out, and everyone starts screaming. I look around, though it's hard I see in pitch dark. I couldn't even see my nose. Everyone screams start giving me a headache, but then something crashes and it gets worse. Beyond the screaming is whispers, little deadly whispers in my ears and a cold shiver racks down my spine.

I turn in my seat, looking for the source. And then I see it; in the corner something is floating, it's white and transparent. It's snake like tongue slips past it's lips as it hisses and the whispering becomes worse.

My head might crash, the pain unbearable. I stand, wobbling around in the dark but managing to get to ground level. Everyone's still screaming, the microphone on the stage was buzzing loudly and the hissing-whispers wouldn't stop.

And then it happens.

Them, the people who I should be able to connect the most to are all around me, looking equally confused and shocked. My head spins, and I still see the transparent figure and hear it's hissing. Why wouldn't it stop? What was that thing?

And then everything goes quiet, like a mute buttons been pressed and the lights snap on.

But it's not a pretty sight.

The screaming starts again, seeing a dead principle on the stage laying in blood with organs and his body ripped apart can do that to you.

Of course everything gets weirder; his spirit, soul, shimmies up, pale and translucent. "By the stars,"

My hand is grabbed and I'm tugged from the gym, left in something like shock and with a pounding head; whispers bouncing back and forth.

That's how it all started.

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