The start

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I was told the journey would be long and difficult to get from point A to point B. The huge problem was that we had no idea where Esmerelda was.

             I said to the group,"Who's ready to find Esmerelda!?" Not one person answered me so I shut up. We left "camp" around 11:00AM and we decided to head north to go to one of the many kingdoms of Esmerelda. Along the way we did not talk at all other than for directions. Luckily we had food and water enough to make it to the kingdom and back to "camp".

               We walked for miles through boring fields of corn, but eventually got to a dense forest. I saw all kinds of creatures in there. After another mile or so after we entered the forest it got dark, fast.

     I heard it before I saw it, the sound was a loud rumble that quickly turned into an explosive roar. We all stopped dead in our tracks and Grayson said,"They've found us quickly let's run that a way." We ran and we ran and we ran, the thing eventually came into sight. It was a huge beastly animal it had white foam dripping from its mouth and its nose. It was covered in hair and its eyes were red around with a white dot in the middle. It was, not exaggerating at all, the worst sight in the world! It had a huge snout and could obviously smell us so it could follow precisely. I screamed and pissed my pants all at the same time. I turned to ask what the creature was but I was too afraid he would say he didn't know. Somehow we out maneuvered him after we threw a few knives at him. We stopped to catch our breath. Grayson explained it was called a jolt wolf and it was something that would haunt every dream I had forever.

      We slept with one person on watch for a jolt wolf for a long time and switched watchers periodically. It was a long night. But in the morning we finally made it to the first kingdom.

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