The great kingdom

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At the kingdom we weren't greeted in a friendly manner at all. Guards pointed guns and swords at us and said we could not pass. We left for a minute to talk it over than decided to fight them, for entry. We decided we should definitely have Grayson attack first to save the stronger for last. Then the rest would join him.

      Grayson ran up to the guards and slapped them. They both laughed at his attempt. We all started shouting at him for thinking a slap could kill. We all decided without talking that we needed to attack while the guards were laughing. We did, the most impressive person was Gruff he turned into a wolf and tore them to shreds. I thought he was done but he started to eat them. Once he was finally done eating we entered the kingdom/castle. It was amazing, completely amazingly amazing. Purple was everywhere, anything that could be purple was. Even the air seemed slightly purple. Hatun got angry at the purple and galloped away, after shouting some gibberish about how it was a girls place because it was purple. But I thought of it more in a menacing way. The purple seemed to be angry even though it was only a color. Falu, the naiad loved it. Just so you know she lives in a giant hamster ball filled with water. She giggled with joy, well it was a giggle but it sounded like a gurgle. She swam around to see all of it and smiled. Suddenly her smile faded and she stops spinning, I met her gaze and what I saw terrified me, a knife was flying at me, much to fast to dodge. It hit me with a wet thump.

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