1- The Cause

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Marco collided against Star's vanity, causing varied perfumes to topple on him. Rubbing his head, Marco looked up at the worried Star, then darted his eyes to the floating hair dryer. 'Why couldn't it have been a kitten...?' He thought, straightening his tie as rose back to his feet.

"Star listen to me," Marco held his hand out to the alive hair tool, trying to calm it, "you have to reverse the spell."

"I know I know! Um... ugh I should've read my spell book!" Star stood in the corner of her room, hair half done, wand in hand.
The hair dryer zipped to the right of the room, then to the left, dodging Marcos quick attempts at grabbing it. The machine started to make a loud sucking noise, soon releasing yet another forceful gust of wind, knocking Marco to the floor. Objects started to fly off shelves, as the dryer zipped throughout the room.
"Hokie dokie stop the floatie! Wait no... that's not it." Star pursed her lips in thought, as Marco got off the floor in pain. The hair dryer only became stronger, starting to topple chairs and move furniture. So much so, Star's wardrobe groaned as it started to tilt. Marco took one glance and realized Star had been directly under, oblivious to what was happening.

"STAR!" Marco yelped as he threw himself at her, both of them collapsing on the floor. The fall of the wardrobe shook the floor, pieces of pink wood exploding all over. Marco put his arm across Star's back, both of them tucked against the floor. Standing up could result in a eye splinter, wood now flying everywhere with the gust of the hair dryer.

"My mom's going to kill me!" Star breathlessly yelled over the wind. A tornado seemed to form in the centre of her room. "I just wanted to dry my hair, I didn't mean for this to happen! Especially on the day of my princess song-"

A different voice was heard in the room, soon after furniture and objects had dropped immediately on the floor. One of Star's snow globes (yes she collects snow globes) clashed against the hard wood inches away from Marcos face, causing a shiver down his spine. The two teens stayed still, hugging the floor. Marco was first to look up at the door.

A furious Queen stood square at the door frame, both hands grasping a wand. Her chest rose and fell, her eyebrows narrowed, and lips pursed in anger. She then leaned down and grabbed the monster hair dryer, it was now limp. It wasn't until then did Marco realize how big a mess they caused. All object were broken or bent, the floors and walls had been cracked, and both him and Star looked as though they'd been in a tornado (cut them some slack, they technically were.) Marco snickered to himself though, noticing still how perfect Star seemed to look. Marco tried to shake the thought away.

"Mom I-" Star pushed off the floor and walked up to the Queen, hands moving frantically trying to explain.

"No. No Star." She rose her voice. It had been loud and stern, shutting up Star immediately. The teen then dropped her head, realizing how bad the situation really was. She couldn't wish this one away.
"Marco, could we please have some privacy?" The Queen asked, eyes still fixed on Star. Marco nodded and rose to his feet, having to watch out for assorted objects on the floor. Just before the grand door had been closed on him, he made eye contact with Star. He'd never seen her so sad, so genuinely sorry. It made him want to comfort her. To run up to her and tell her it would be okay, that he'd take care of it. The door finally clicked closed; for the first time, he couldn't do anything.


Marco lay slumped next to Star's bedroom door, noticing guests down stairs becoming curious to what was happening.
"Right, this was supposed to be a celebration." He mumbled, rubbing his face. A constant bicker escaped the underside of the door. It was mostly Star's mother, but every so often it was Star. They both sounded very angry with each other. It had been fifteen minutes since he had left the room, and for the first time, it had grew quiet. Marco stood up in anticipation, ready to see Star.

The door slowly opened, Star's head had been down. Her mother had been close behind her, her presence making Marco feel anxious. Star had walked straight passed Marco, like he had been invisible. As he was about to confront Star, as guest from below had interrupted,

"Queen Butterfly! Is all alright up there? We're all so excited to hear Star's Princess song!" A cheerful call came from below, followed by multiple laughs.

"I'm sorry to inform that the song will be post-poned to a later time." The Queen replied, looking down the staircase at the large crowd of royalty. An audible gasp arose. The Queen being distracted, Marco grabbed Star's hand.

"What's going on?" Marco whispered. Star slowly turned her glossy eyes to look at his. Her lip quivered as she tried to speak.

"St. Olga's. My mother thinks I'm not ready. I'm to- I'm to rebellious." Her voice faded out, tears started to form in her eyes. "I'm going to St.Olga's Marco!" She wept and grabbed his hand tight. Star's mother turned her attention to the teens, and grabbed Star's free hand.

"I'm sorry your goodbye has to be so short. I'm sorry it has to be like this Marco." The Queen softly spoke, taking Star with her down the hall. "A carriage will be here shortly to take you back to earth." The Queen smiled over her shoulder.

Marco prepared himself to run after her. He envisioned himself stealing Star and running away with her. But for some reason his legs wouldn't move, nothing would. He was completely still. All was still, but his heart. She was leaving, and he had so much to tell her.

"Star I..." he yelled, watching her disappear down the hall.

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