3- Her Return

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Knock! Knock!
Marco stood hunched over on his doorway, trying his best to act like he wasn't absolutely pissed drunk. The cold dark air made his damp shirt feel a thousand times cooler, but maybe that was the only reason he hadn't passed out yet.

The large door in front of him swung open. "Marco!" His mother smiled wide as she made eye contact with her son. She grabbed him and pulled him close, giving a warm embrace. Marco grunted in response. "Why are you wet Marco?" She questioned, still pressed into a hug. He shrugged. His parents were fully aware of his depressed behaviour since Stars departure, so they've been very lenient. They didn't question Marco much, and tried to give him space to figure things out. Mrs. Diaz nodded and showed off a worrisome grin. "I have a surprise for you."

Marco rolled his eyes. Was this yet another sorry attempt of making him feel better? The last 'surprise' had been one of his fathers old Mexican shirts from when he was sixteen. It had weird stains, and a raunchy smell, but Marco appreciated the gesture. He was just sick of surprises. Especially when he knew none of them would fill the missing piece in his puzzle. Only one thing could do that, and she was gone.

His home displayed nothing less of a Mexican heritage. His yellow coloured walls showed off wallpaper with Mexican patterns, his green couch covered with an old poncho, and an old plate of Tacos rest on his coffee table. He plans to munch on them later. No matter where Marco was, home always felt comforting. It was one of the only things that didn't change when Star left... except her room. He thought about the perfume scent that would drift from under her door and down the hall. He thought about her many cosmetic items littering their bathroom. He thought about her. Marco's stomach ached. Why couldn't he let her go?

His mother lead Marco into his living room, as he was greeted to his father. He sat cross legged on their couch, reading an old 'Machco Libre' comic. "Marco! Son!" He finally noted Marco's presence, and got up to grab his hand. Mr. Diaz smile faded slightly when he noticed Marco's emotional state. "We have some good news, son. Maybe even an early birthday gift-"

A clang came from the kitchen. Marco shot a look at his father, then back at his mother. "Who's here?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why don't you go and see?" His mother responded, a smile grew. Marco gave his mother another long look, before he cautiously made his way to his kitchen.

A unknown smell drifted from the room, Marco recognized it from his grandmas. It was the smell of herbal tea. He turned the corner, slowly gazing in to see a overly dressed up girl. Her hair was put into two tight braids, and the dress she wore was a light pink. It had a large skirt and showed off a lace trim. Who was this princess and why was she in his house?

She hummed a tune as she poured her tea into a white tea cup, slowly turning around. Her eyes widened, Marco mirrored. Her lips slightly parted and face flushed white. She dropped her tea cup, it smashed into pieces as it made contact with the porcelain tile. Both teens stared at each other, neither said a word, except for the gasp of air Marco released.

"Star-" His words barely audible. The girl then looked down at her mess and back up at the boy.

"Is everything all right? Star? Marco?" Marco's father walked into the kitchen, the sound of glass smashing getting his attention.

"Yes-" Stars breath hitched, "yes Mr.Diaz, I'm so sorry. Clumsy me!" She smiled and grabbed a dust pan, starting to sweep the shards. Although she was obviously upset, she got the job done quickly and efficiently. That... wasn't like Star... normally she'd use her magic to clean up the mess; most likely making an even bigger one. After her cleaning was done, she wiped off the few dust crumbs on her dress, fixed her hair and looked back at the Diaz family. "Thank you for your hospitality, and taking me back into your lovely home." Her posture seemed unhealthy, her back as straight as a ruler. "I'll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams." She waved and continued her way out of the kitchen, holding a gaze with Marco just a second too long. Marco started to open his mouth, but Star turned away the second she saw him do so. She walked with confidence and elegance, something so unlike Star Butterfly.

"Surprise!" Marco's father eventually said, throwing his hands in the air for emphasis. Marco responded with a silent stare, wanting an explanation. "She graduated from St. Olga's Reform school for Wayward Princesses, but her mother felt she needed to graduate school before returning to Mewni." His father smiled in anticipation for Marco's excitement... but his reaction never came. Instead Marco continued to stare blankly at his father. "What's wrong Marco?" A genuine concern grew in his fathers voice, suddenly making him feel bad. His dad just wanted the best for Marco, and he understood that.

"What's wrong..." Marco huffed silently, thinking about the question. What was wrong? The only thing he thought about for over a year was finally back. Yet, he wasn't satisfied. Something felt different... wrong. She was still as beautiful as he remembered... just dolled up. And she still had that glowing, toothy grin that made his heart skip a beat. But she didn't give off a 'Star Butterfly' vibe. To be fair, he hadn't even had a conversation with her yet, and he did smell and look like shit. That's what he was going to do tonight, just chat with her. Catch up with her. Nothing was wrong... everything was good. Great actually. Star was back. "Nothing... nothing at all. Just had a rough night. I'm happy she's back, dad." Marco gave less than convincing grin. His father nodded and patted his back.

"See you in the morning, son. Wash up."

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