i went home after we went for shopping though i decided to walk cause i want to go practice,after i practice i went home but as i was walking taehyung and mingyu came up to me
"sinb are you mad?"
uhhhh not again there acting all cute again....
"ummm you guys didnt talk to me all afternoon plus you agreed on what jungkook did to me and you guys burst out laughing and not even protecting me if you know what i mean,so yeah i guess im not mad with you guys"
"sorry!!!!!!" they both said as they hugged me real tight,i just smiled at them and nodded,they walked me to my house and realized that today mom and my sisters will be in america while dad will be overseas so i just took out a deep breath and smiled cause even if they are here they probably wont even talk to me and i will be at my huge room anyways so i said goodbye to the boys and said..
"what am i even going to do on such a huge house all alone?" i didnt even notice that i said it out loud not even noticing that taehyung and mingyu are still standing next to me,aish!!! im such an idiot
"invite all of your friends to stay with you then" taehyung said as he comfortably ran inside my house and quikly ran to the couch and lay down as if he was a cute baby
"how long will your family be gone?" mingyu asked as put his hands around my waist as if he was my boyfriend
"umm..3 or 4 weeks"
"good, then lets go with taehyungs idea" mingyu said as he smiled
but then taehyung's head lit up cause he was exited then he saw me and mingyu's position as mingyu was back hugging me,taehyung stomped his way to us and push away mingyu's hand off me, i think that taehyung looks so cute when his mad and even if hie isn't so i just laughed at both of them as i saw them chasing each other,after that mingyu and V called our friend while i call the twice members,red velvet,black pink and lets not forget my friends from Gfriend i told them to stay with me at my house cause we are all girls anyways though V AND MINGYU ARE BOYS BUT THEY STILL ARE MY FRIENDS ASWELL SINCE WE WHERE KIDS though i didnt forget to invite astro as well cause of moonbin, i invited seventeen aswell though i guess there are some boys as well,oh this is going to be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!
Fanficit appers that your the only one in your family that is not lucky as they are,yet you have your friends with you,but what if you lost your friends too. find more about sinb,on how her journey went through sucess and found what true friends and what...