Chapter 4

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I woke up sweating. I had my face in my pillow so I wouldn't scream. I had just had another nightmare. I've been having these more and more often. I heard someone hit their head on the top of the bunk.

"Hey u alright?" I whispered/shouted.

"Yup," Riley answered. "Hey Grace why you up? You need your sleep."

"I can't sleep, haven't slept for the last week. But I'm fine," I reassured him.

"Kay, you wanna watch a movie?" Riley asked.

"Naw, Ri we should probably go to sleep. You guys have to get up early tomorrow," I suggested.

"Nope," Riley got up and looked through the stash of movies. "What movie would you like to watch?"

"I'm really tired..."

"Then why are you awake?" I could feel him looking at me.

"Cuz I had a nightmare, damn it! This happens all the time so shut up an go to sleep!!" I yelled and turned on my side so that my back was facing the opening to my bunk.

"Grace, I didn't know you were having nightmares," I felt cold air hit my back, then I felt Riley's body against mine and him arms around my body.

"Thanks Ri," I snuggled my back to his chest. I felt safe, more safe than I've been in a while.



"You guys know where Riley is?" I heard Toby ask.

"I'm in here," he mumbled into my hair.

Toby opened the curtain and sighed,"Riley, why are you sleeping with Grace?" Toby questioned.

"She had a nightmare, and couldn't sleep, so I came and cuddles her the rest of he nigh, and she didn't wake up once."

"Just get ready for the breakfast."

Before you exit Riley's temptistWhere stories live. Discover now