Ice Ice

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-Everyone logged in-

piggyjun: Eh

cheerupbeibe: why

heislearning: E

Heojun'slilbro: Z

eggmaknae: out of spelling our lead track, these couples r rly bad at this...

piggyjun: hu couples?

cheerupbeibe: Dun judge our bonding here...

DaddyofVicton: Do I look good in there?

VicOMMAton: U rly look good in der...

Heojun'slilbro: He quickly replied...

eggmaknae: He, indeed, did

VicOMMAton; I won't cook u guys again...

heislearning: can we even fit them in the pan?

cheerupbeibe: BUUUUUURN

piggyjun: Someone got toasted so bad

VicOMMAton: I won't but tuna can for you...


cheerupbeibe: Oh now ur blaming me... my ass

DaddyofVicton: Kids, please we just got released our MV this day, and we even gonna start moving

Heojun'slilbro: About Seungwoo... he has look alike rite?

eggmaknae: What?

heislearning: Really?!

cheerupbeibe: Orayt, I even told dat to him...

Heojun'slilbro: Byungchan saved it from his phone...

piggyjun: Show it...

cheerupbeibe: it's uploading tho

eggmaknae: How come u can still replying?

cheerupbeibei: cause it can...

heislearning: Wer is he from?

Heojun'slilbro; I only watch his drama from "Tomorrow with you"

eggmaknae: Is it coming?

cheerupbeibe: Almost der...

piggyjun: How long is it?

cheerupbeibe; Not in a half yet

eggmaknae: sighs

piggyjun: sighs

VicOMMAton: sighs

DaddyofVicton: y did u sighed, Seungsik?

VicOMMAton: Oh nothing... but I will analyzed if he did look like u...

DaddyofVicton: talking about like drama... I'm proud of Byungchan

cheerupbeibe; Hyung dun bring it up here...

piggyjun: but he was a bad boi der...


VicOMMAton: Oooh somehow

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VicOMMAton: Oooh somehow... at his nose and even his eyes...

heislearning: But his hair is different from seungwoo's right now ono

Heojun'slilbro: Awww

eggmaknae: Well dat was so obvious already...

DaddyofVicton: Nice suit...

VicOMMAton: Anyway let's go to the restaurants~

heislearning: I want ramen!

piggyjun: but dat's not even for restaurants...

Heojun'slilbro: Maybe becoz it's not enough for u rather dan us...

piggyjun: YAAAAH

piggyjun: How did u know...

Heojun'slilbro: See?

DaddyofVicton: Let's go now!

-DaddyofVicton logged off-

-VicOMMAton logged off-

eggmaknae: but rly I like dat big egg tho...

piggyjun: you can suck ur only two eggs...

eggmaknae: if u could lick Byungchan's instead...

piggyjun: Hu ever finished da ramen will got the first move...

eggmaknae: Agree...

-eggmaknae logged off-

-piggyjun logged off-

heislearning: two eggs?

Heojun'slilbro: It's a food tho! How dey... eat it...

heislearning:: oh I want to watch dem how dey do dat! ^-^

Heojun'slilbro: Okay, now let's go~

heislearning: Yes hyung!

-Heojun'slilbro logged off-

heislearning: but how dey do dat... oh well!

-heislearning logged off

cheerupbeibe: ...

cheerupbeibe; They was talking about my role...

cheerupbeibe: How could dey hung up dis way...

-cheerupbeibe logged off-

~WOOOH another chapter alright! Did you guys watched their MV? It was liiit! anw it maybe short but hope u guys enjoyed it~

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