Remember Me

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-Everyone logged in-

cutierapper: Who own this freaking comb

cutierapper: It was hella silky the way I just brush my hair

weakmaknae: I think that was Sejun's

PRO-gamer: actually that was mine

cutierapper: Oh wait I lost it

rldlthighs: wth, Hanse why are you so clumsy

Smartass: can't argue with that

heislearning: Meeeeeh

rldlthighs: shut up kid

cutierapper: Woah woah wait

Athletic-nim: woah, Heochan what was that?

rldlthighs: a reply what else

PRO-gamer: Dude, why so cold?

rldlthighs: we're in Korea, when will there be sunny days?

weakmaknae: Well there is

rldlthighs: lol

Athletic-nim: I thought you were jolly after we went outside

Smartass: Yeah, you even took picture of us out of the sudden

cutierapper: and this was too sudden tho

rldlthighs: what's the point of those things?

PRO-gamer: Okay how about this, what happened to you?

rldlthighs: Nothing? Just being me?

PRO-gamer: No, you are not Chan I met

rldlthighs: you have no rights to tell everything to me

rldlthighs: All of you guys

Smartass: Dude, this is just a chatroom

-rldlthighs logged out-

heislearning: Why is Chan so angry? (ó﹏ò。)

Smartass: I have no idea

cutierapper: He probably throwing tantrums now

PRO-gamer: Not helping, Hanse

cutierapper: Sorry, I tried to lift the mood but meh

Smartass: Dun get affected his saltiness like srsly

Smartass: we dun even know what exactly he was into

weakmaknae: He just walked out guys

heislearning: Is he mad at me?!  ಥ_ಥ

weakmaknae: Honey, dear, baby, kid, he wasn't mad at you, he wouldn't do that

heislearning: Then why he said me to shut up?!

weakmaknae: Rly? Where?

heislearning: back read ( ̄へ ̄)

cutierapper: maybe you did smth to him, Subin

heislearning: what?! What did I even do?! щ(ಥДಥщ)

Athletic-nim: You can't just blame Subin and his emojis

Smartass: That proves his innocence

weakmaknae: Maybe Sejun, he was forcing Chan to spit the tea

PRO-gamer: Like I'm so curious what was up with him?

cutierapper: Or how the hyungs treated him

Smartass: Boi now you are pointing us now?

cutierapper: Isn't that true?

Athletic-nim: A bit ig.....

weakmaknae: you could have hold it up and just say it in person

PRO-gamer: And now I will just adjust myself to him if he don't know how to open up?

cutierapper: See? I got it right

Smartass: You are so annoying

heislearning: SHUT THE KITTY UP AND HALT FOR A MOMENT you guys now fighting just over a person just walked out and bad mouthing behind his back. Are you really guys his friends? Don't you have any idea something he was bothering other the way you treated him like those? He never blamed on you guys but all of you blaming each other just for Chan. I see the effort slightly that everyone supporting him, but the teamwork is no no. I will talk to him instead

-heislearning logged out-

weakmaknae: Woah

cutierapper: Honestly I'm offended a bit

Smartass: He just grew up so fast

PRO-gamer: Okay stop the drama, we can help bin about this, who's with me?

cutierapper: You and yourself

Athletic-nim: Do Hanse

cutierapper: Sorry, just still warming up this twist

Smartass: Ppalli guys

-Smartass logged out-

-Athletic-nim logged out-

-cutierapper logged out-

-PRO-gamer logged out-

weakmaknae: or maybe.....

-weakmaknae logged out-

~Byungchan hairstyle just snatched my wig quickly but heck I like their comeback wOoOh
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter TT

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