Number 6: RIP Boxer

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This is a little obituary/ memorial note about Boxer from Animal Farm, if you haven't read Animal Farm (although I expect most of you have) then stop reading this, read Animal Farm and come back when you are fifteen to twenty pages from the end.

Boxer was a good horse, he helped the farm in many ways and took minimal amounts, he was selfless and always strived to perform at his very best, even when it was threatening his life. He completed his work in silence and muttered only the words 'I will work harder' and 'Comrade Napoleon is always right' even though he was the pig that brought him to his death. Boxer will be lovingly missed by all the farm (except the selfish and evil pigs), he will be especially missed by Clover, his loving companion. I hope that Boxer has a peaceful afterlife and lives happily in sugar candy mountain. I hope that the person who purchases that glue made of Boxer's ground up and melted bones will be eternally and forever grateful, that they will respect the life lost to create that sticky substance. May sugar candy mountain live up to his expectations and give him the peaceful life that he never got on Animal Farm and that he will never have to work another day in his life. You were a great horse Boxer and you always will be.

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