Chapter 27:A monster-ious love

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Yca,Chica and Bon entered Mangle's room....They were shocked

Yca:Oh my rawrr...

Chica:Good one Yca...

Bon:Guys this bad...

Yca:Mangle's face is....

Bon:Sliced...or maybe not...

Chica:Mangle are you-

Mangle jumpscares Chica...

Mangle was shocked

Chica:What happened to you Mangle?

Bon:You look like a real animatronic,and you look like Roxy...


Mangle was trembling(her body was shaking)

Mangle grabs a mirror

Mangle looks on the mirror...

Mangle gasped and shouts that she dropped the mirror...

Mangle was very confused

She ran away...

Yca:Mangle wait!!!

Roxy:What just happened?Why did I heard a jumpscare?

Yca:Roxy,are you born with sliced face?

Roxy:This is not a sliced face it's a design...

Bon:Design?But I thought you were real-

Roxy:You don't know the whole thing in Elfvania...

Chica:What?What is it about Elfvania...?

Roxy:Let me tell you the whole story...

Roxy narrates...

Once upon a time,
There was a wizard named Elf...he lived in a lonely house...he wanted to do something,so he visited a forest to have fun...While walking on the forest...

Elf bumped unto a woman

Elf:Urghh!!That hurts...


Elf stands up and helps the woman...

Elf:Uh,let me help you...

Elf gives his hand to the woman...

Woman:T-thank you...

The woman holds Elf's hands and stands up...

Elf:I'm sorry miss I was just looking at these trees...I actually didn't look at my way so i-

Woman:I accept your apology...

Elf:Uh,hehe...So what's your name?


Elf:Hi awful...

Woman:No,what I meant is my name is awful...'s okay...just tell me...

Woman:Well,my name is....Vania....

Elf:Wow!Great name!

Vania blushed....



Vania:Can I...walk with you?



Elf and Vania walks...

Vania:So,whats your name?

Elf:My name is Elf,i'm a wizard...

Vania:Oh,i'm a vampire...but i'm a sorceress too...

Elf:Do you drink blood?

Vania:Urghh!Yuck!Blood...I'm a different vampire...I am like a succubus..but I don't enter men's dreams and have sexual activity with them,it's disgusting...

Elf:Don't succubusses drink blood?

Vania:I'm not sure,but some says no...

Elf:Oh,so you're a sorceress huh?

Vania:Yeah,my father was a wizard,and my mother is a succubus,a good one,not those...uhhh...disgusting ones...My mom wears appropriate dresses...

Elf:Your father may have a penalty for marrying a succubus,Vania...

Vania:Really?You have rules?

Elf:Yes!We have...


Roxy narrates
They had a long conversation...after that,they both returned to their own homes...Elf can't stop thinking about Vania..He dreams about Vania every night...So he decided to visit Vania...but when he came...


Vania was crying

Vania's Mother:You are such a fool dating a wizard Vania!You ruined my name!

Vania:Haven't you married a wizard?!!!Huh?!!!

Vania's Mother:How dare you speak to me like that!I killed your father!!!For your own good!!!

Vania gasped...

Vania runs away....

Vania then saw Elf...

Elf:What happened Vania?

Vania:Let's run away Elf!!!

Elf:What?What are you...

Vania spreads her wings and holds Elf...

Vania:Hold tight...

Vania flies


Vania flies in the clouds and smiled...

Vania thinks...
I wish we could get along and get married...

Elf:Can we get down now?


Vania then flies lower...



And Elf's feet touched the grasses...

Vania landed on plains...

Vania thinks
Perfect,we could build our own house,and our own family...

Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Where stories live. Discover now