Chapter 33:He's awake!!! :-D

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In Springtrap's room...


Roxy opens the door...

Roxy:Good evening Mangle...

Mangle:Good evening....

Roxy:Someone wants to talk to you...

Fred suddenly appeared behind Roxy...

He slowly walks to Mangle...


Mangle suddenly puts her finger on Fred's lips...(she tries to shut Fred up)

Mangle:I forgive you...

Fred:Thank you...

Fred hugs Mangle...

Mangle smiles...

Mangle kisses Fred on his head...

Fred blushed...

Mangle:Fred,I love you as a friend..

Fred:Loving me as a friend is enough...thanks..

Roxy:Thanks for forgiving my brother,Mangle...

Mangle:You're welcome...

After 2 days...

12:30 pm...

Springtrap wakes up...

Mangle was sleeping on the chair...

Springtrap:W-where am I?

Mangle hears Springtrap


Springtrap:Where am I?


Springtrap:What is this?Who are you?

Mangle:Springtrap!You're finally awake!

Mangle hugs Springtrap...

Mangle cries..

Mangle:I've been waiting for you to wake up!Oh,Springtrap,I miss you so much!

Springtrap:Who are you?

Mangle:I don't remember me..

Springtrap suddenly remembers a blurred memory...



Springtrap:You are Mangle?

Mangle:Yes I am..!

Springtrap:I remembered a memory,a girl was calling me,i was calling her too,her name was...Mangle?...I just....don't's blurred...

Mangle:Don't worry Springtrap,*holds Springtrap's hands* I'm right here...

Springtrap:Thank you...


Springtrap:Wait...why am I here?

Springtrap suddenly remembers a blurred memory when he was tortured...

Springtrap:Fred?....He...tortured me...

Mangle:You remember everything?How did you know their names...?

Springtrap:I was...saying their name...

Mangle:Oh right...

Roxy opens the door

Roxy:Excuse me....

Mangle:Hi Roxy...

Roxy:Oh!Springtrap is finally awake!So that's why you're so happy...

Mangle:Yeah...but...he can't remember me..he said his memories are blurred...

Springtrap:Who is this girl.. uhh...woman...

Mangle:Don't be silly,my name is Mangle...MANGLE...And that girl is Roxy...

Springtrap:Mangle?Roxy?What are you doing here?

Mangle:We're guarding you...

Roxy:Okay Mangle....since he's awake,try to make his memories clear,not blurred...but Mangle,you can't use magic...

Mangle:It's okay Roxy...I'll find a way to make him remember me..

Springtrap:What are your talking about?

Mangle:N-nothing Springtrap..uhh...are you hungry?Here's an apple...

Springtrap:Thanks...but i'm full...

Mangle:Huh?But,it's been 2 days since you didn't eat,you're in a coma...

Springtrap:I am?Why am I in a coma?

Mangle:Uhh...Let's talk about it later okay?...

Springtrap:But I have-

Mangle:Springtrap,you must be really hungry,eat some....let me feed you..

Springtrap:No,I'm fine,i can feed myself...

Mangle:But Springtrap,you're too weak to feed yourself.....

Springtrap:Okay...'s your eye?

Springtrap:My eye?

Mangle:Yeah,Fred almost got you blinded,but,Roxy healed your eye,but it still has wounds so i put an eyepatch on it so it'll be safe...

Springtrap smiles...


Magic In My Eyes (Fnaf Edition) (A random book I made when I was Grade 5 or 6)Where stories live. Discover now