Chapter 1: The Awakening

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(You look like this⬆)

(Y/N) pov)
It was a boring day in rapture, I was walking though out the halls looking for little sisters. 'Protect them... keep them safe... never hurt them... die for them' those thoughts always ran through my head... it never stopped. I heard a scream of a little sister so a ran towards the noise to see a male and a female trying to pull on of the little sisters out of a vent, my port hole went blood red as I saw this and I charged at the male and plunged my drill into his chest then I lifted him in the air and through him away. I looked towards to the vent and saw the it was burning the little sister hurting her, I ran towards to vent and helped her out of it burning my arm in the process, she looked at me with tears in her eyes as she gave me a hug

Little sister) "thank you mister bubbles those mean people tryed to take me away from you"

I put her on my shoulder as I walked towards the girl, she ran towards a door trying to open it so I charged at her. I almost hit her until she moved her hands into the air like she was opening something and I was blinded by a bright light I fell over and hit my head really hard and knocked myself out.

(Time skip 1 hour)

I wake up to the little sister shaking my helmet

Little sister) "Mr bubbles... Mr bubbles wake up!"

She yelled as I sat up, I looked around and saw that we were in a forest surrounded by flowers and butterflies, the little one was running around chasing them as I got up she ran up to me and climbed up to my shoulder as I started to walk in a random direction. We walked for a while until I heard a low growl behind me I looked and saw 10 large creatures slowly walk towards us, I put the little one on a high tree branch and I got ready to face them

Little sister) "get them mister bubbles you can do it"

I heard her saw as they started to run towards me, I charged at one and rimmed my drill though it's head and though him towards the others as I started to drill into another one, one started to bite my foot but I just kicked it off and stomped on my head, there was only to left and I though a fireball at one and ran towards to other with my drill, I quickly killed it and looked back at the tree to see that the little one was gone.

Little sister) "mister bubbles look at this"

I looked towards the noise to see to little girls one of them looked the same age as the little one the other was a bit older

(I don't know how old they are I'm just going to say they were 7)

One of the girls was taller then the other with long yellow hair and a yellow sun dress and the other was as tall as the little one with black hair with red tips and a red dress

Yellow haired girl) "umm who is he?"

She asked the little one as she pointed towards me

Little sister) "that's mister bubbles he is my daddy"

She said as she ran up to me and hugged my leg, my port hole turned green when she did that

Yellow haired girl) "well Im Yang and this is my sister Ruby say hi Ruby"

The one in red jumped alittle and gave me a little wave I put the little one on my shoulder and put Yang and Ruby on my shoulders too

Little sister) "where do you live we'll take you home"

Ruby) "We live 2 miles that way"

She said as she pointed towards a small town a little bit aways, I started to walk there as they talked to each other

Yang) "so where do you guys live?"

She asked the little one

Little sister) "very far away we live in a place full of bright lights and angel's"

Ruby) "what's that place called?"

Little sister) "rapture it very fun there but it's very dangerous so mister bubbles protects me from all the monsters"

She said as she hugged my head as I gave them a small nod. we arrived into the town everyone was looking at me as I walked though the streets no one went near me they all looked at me with fear in their eyes


I looked towards the noise and saw a girl with snow white hair getting pulled into a warehouse by three Stanger looking men with masks on

Guy 3) "pull her in quick someone might see"

He said as she bit one of their hands


He said as he slap her as hard as he could knocking her out, I felt my rage build up so I picked up Ruby, Yang, and the little one and placed them down then I signaled them to wait as I started to walk towards the warehouse, two of them were guarding the door they pointed there guns at me as I approached them

Guard 1) "Hey stop right there freak, you get be here leave or I'll sho-"

I stabbed him in the chest and started up my drill tearing him apart, the other guard started to run but I just froze him and keep him there until I could find the girl

Guy 3) "Hey what's with all the noise out there"

The door opened alittle as the third guy poked his head out, he eyes grew wide as he saw me I grabbed him by the head and pulled him out I crushed his legs as he tryed to crawl away he turned to me only for me to crush his head under my boot. I walked towards the door and slowly opened it, in the room there were 5 guys standing around the small girl they had a camera set up sending a live video to someone

Guy 1) "Hey who the fuck are you?"

He said as he and his friends pulled out swords, on of them turned the camera towards me I let out a loud roar as I charged at them three of them charged at me but I just set them on fire as I walk pass them and was face to face with what I thought was the leader

Guy 1) "w-what are you?"

He said as I slowly brought by drill over my head then I smashed it into his skull, the last guy started to shake as I walk towards him he looked at me with tears in his eyes

Guy 2) "please don't kill me... th-they made me do it please have mercy!"

He yelled as I broke his arm and walked towards the girl, she was blind folded and she was shaking

???) "H-Hello what happened?... can I go home please"

I untied her and took her blindfold off she looked around and saw what happened and looked at me at the brink of tears

???) "Thank you mister"

She said as she gave me a hug my port hole turned green and I picked her up and put her on my shoulder as I walked out, as I pass the camera I grabbed it and crushed it under my boot as I walked away. Outside there were police officers outside behind their squad cars waiting for you to get out

Officer 1) "hands in the air big guy!"

He yelled as he pointed his gun my way I put my hand up as I picked up the girl and held her in my arms, the officer lowered his gun as I walked towards him and handed him the girl. I rubbed her hair alittle then patted the officer on the shoulder then walked towards the little ones.


Hey guys I wanted to make this because I really like bioshock and rwby but I've only found like one story of them together and to be honest it wasn't that good so I wanted to see if I can do better anyways If you guys can help me out and name the little sister that would help me alot anyways have a great day see you guys next time 🖐😉

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