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As soon as I leave Anthony's bedroom, shutting the door behind me, I wipe my face with my sleeve, hoping that my face didn't turn red from crying.

I stalk back to the living room with a purpose. Anthony is so sure that he loves me, is he? We'll see how much he loves me after this.

Dammit! He's ruining everything! I thought we were cool. I thought he was the one guy that I could at least somewhat trust. I don't really have anyone else. My dad is Satan incarnate, my mom is a mess and Katrina is emotionally unstable.

Anthony was different. He didn't have expectations of me and I didn't have expectations of him. At least nothing beyond friendship.

Now he goes and confesses to supposedly loving me and he even kisses me. We haven't kissed for three years, since that joke of a relationship my freshman year.

This kiss was NOTHING like the kisses we shared back then. This kiss made me feel things that I had thought I was too strong to feel. I'm pissed at Anthony for that. For a brief moment, I felt romance and thoughts of love. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Love is for the emotionally weak. The only thing that ever comes out of love is pain. Lots of pain.

When I enter the living room, Quinn is sitting back on the couch, looking bored and annoyed. I've made it my business to know how the male mind works. Most likely, he is annoyed because the girl he is currently after, is in the bedroom with another guy.

Quinn finally notices me standing in the doorway and smiles at me. I walk over to him and surprise him by sitting down on his lap, straddling him.

He smiles more widely and says, "Hello to you, too."

I run my fingers through his hair and whisper seductively, "What do you want from me, Quinn?"

He answers, "Whatever you're willing to give."

"Wanna be my new boyfriend?"

His eyes go wide, "Sure. Thought I'd have to try a little harder, but if you're going to give into my charms so easily, then sure."

I laugh at his cockiness. I tilt my head to the side, while evaluating the situation, "I'm going to give you a warning that I don't usually give the others."

He raises one eyebrow, "Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"In the end, I'm going to leave you heartbroken," I tell him confidently.

He laughs, "That's what you think. Maybe you'll fall madly in love with me."

"Is that what you want?" I ask skeptically.

His expression turns serious, "I don't know. I have a feeling it might be."

"Tough luck. I don't fall in love."



"Until me."

"Not even after you."

"We'll see."

"No we won't."

Before the disagreement goes any further, he gently places both hands on either side of my face and leans in. I anticipate his kiss and am surprised when he just pecks me on the lips. When he pulls back, he has a bratty grin on his face, "Sorry babe, if you want more of that, you'll have to earn it."

I shrug my shoulders, "I could really care less."

He narrows his eyes at me, "You'll be wanting my kisses." I think back to the tender, passionate kiss I just shared with Anthony in the room. I shake off the thought. Kisses like that are the first lies in a relationship. They deceive people into thinking that happiness is possible.

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