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Unfortunately, Luna got the time wrong so it was night again when they arrived. They head to the castle and knocked on the door, after a few minutes the door opens reviling Fergus, king of Dun Broch. Seeing Harmony Fergus went crazy, codling and cooing at her, making Harmony giggle at his silly faces. Luna laughs at the two, than tells Fergus her predicament. Fergus who was more than happy to take Harmony, and was about to until his wife, Elinor, walked over with a young Merida on her hip. Elinor was not pleased what so ever, "and Who is this" Elinor asked with obvious resentment in her voice. "This is Harmony and her friend Luna. Luna asked if we could take care of Harmony for her, and I said yes," Fergus tells her. Elinor scoffs at him, turning to Luna, "I'm sorry for whatever my idiotic husband told you, but we already have one child and I'm certainly not planning on having anymore. So, No," Slamming thedoor in Luna's face. Luna certainly though that Elinor is the rudest person she has ever meet, even worse than Pitch Black. Luna definitely did not want to see Elinor ever again. Luna turns to leave only to be stoppedby Fergus, confused she walks back. "Hey don't leave yet I got something for the little babe," Fergus then goes back inside to grab his gift, returning with: a bow andarrows with quiver, a dagger, short sward, and a pair ofkatanas. "Wow, thank you for the gifts,thank you very much," Luna says surprised for none of the others have given multiple presents. Fergus says it wasn't anything. Luna thanked him again, for the gifts, and for his time, then she went on her way

Before they were to leave from Dun Brock, Luna went looking for the resident witch in the aria. Once she arrived at the hut of the 'wood carver' witch, Luna says "I would like something to change ones fate." The witch denied, but Luna was persistent telling the witch that it would be worth her while. "What do you have in mind," the witch asks. Luna replies, "An enchanted string to place a bow, a dragon's peaceful sleep in the form of a song." The witch ponders on this for a minute, snapping her fingers with the word of 'done'. The witch sets to work on a dragon's breath violin. "It will be done in 5 years come back then." The witch starts to usher Luna out of the cabin. Luna laughs at the witch's antics, but goes along her way warping harmony and herself to the island of Berk.

Once they arrived in Berk, they headed to the chef's hut. Luna going through the motions, the knock, the wait,and the ask. When the door opened there stood Valkaand her young babe Hiccup, he didn't look much older or any younger than Harmony, they'd probably be the same age if it wasn't for the time change. The same question goes as all times prior, but Valka got to answer before her husband, Stoick the Vast, walked up to the door. Relaying the message Luna has already spoken, stoickthen says "I'm sorry, but we couldn't take on another child when we already have our own." Valka counters this with, "Of course we could take on another, she's no older than Hiccup, Besides we already have one set of twins in this village, and I see no foul recondition with their parents when they were born, in fact they were quite glad to having two." Stoick understands this, but is worried for when the dragons return for it would be harder to keep track of both of them when the time comes.

Stoick and Valka argue back and forth with this while the children were having a mental conversation of their own. 'Why are your eyes so bright, and so strange?' Hiccup wonders. 'Because they're dragons' eyes, I'm part dragon' Harmony replies. 'Oh, are all dragons good?' 'No, some dragons are bad, but only because someone made them bad. They won't attack unless you give them a reason.' 'So I guess that if I hurt a dragon I would hurt you. So I will never hurt a dragon ever, unless it threatens both my village and other dragons, ok!' Harmony giggles 'That's very brave of you,I think that your bravery deserves an award.' Harmony then reaches out a clawed hand asking hiccup to take it. He reaches as well, but with their small arms they can't grab hands fully. Harmony then hooks her claws under Hiccup's finger nails connecting them. A small golden-bronze shines from Harmony's hair traveling around her body, through her fingers and into Hiccup, swirling around him and takes its spot above Hiccups right eye turning into a dragon's mark disappearing underneath his skin. 'Hiccup my friend do you promise to protect me and my kind as you live?' 'I do' 'do you promise that when we grow up that you will always be by my side until the end of our days?' 'Yes, with all my heart.' 'Then wake up my dear Yugo, the dragons' spirit that rests within Hiccup's mortal form. Protect your vessel with your life.Rest within, but never be seen and if you must take control let it be known by the sign.' Harmony proclaimed, and is responded by a gruff voice saying 'I will protect him with my life, and hope that I will one day see you again my love. May this mate's pack always remain true.' Releasing her hold on Hiccup's fingers, they continue to look into each other's eyes, green to dragon's emerald until it was time to leave.

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