I Promise (SethxBecky)

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At The WWE Performance Center Seth is rehabing his knee

"I hate seeing you like this baby it breaks my heart" Becky said

"I swear i have the the worst luck ever, maybe this is a sign that i should just quit wrestling" Seth said letting a tear roll down his face

"No! dont say that, you'll get better and come back better than ever" Becky said

"You always know what to say, and i love you for it" Seth said playing with Beckys bright orange hair

It's true she always knew what to say she had been by his side since the day they got together Seth has had trust issues his entire life he was an outcast

"Anything for my favorite guy in the world" Becky said

"Can you promise me something babe" Seth said

"Sure what is it?" Becky asked

"Dont leave me like almost everybody else has, i can't take much more" Seth said

"I'm not going anywhere baby i promise" Becky said

"I love you so much" Seth said as they kissed

Looks like I predicted the future over 3 years ago huh?

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