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Y'all wish was granted but who else want and imagine ?


I was backstage at lil uzi very concert my nigga I was surprising him but I was with my bestfriend Brielle she was vibing to the music but she kept looking at this nigga with poky dreads on top of his head making me poke her in her arm

Brielle:what girl?!

Yn:you looking at that nigga like he a snack or some shit

Brielle:(laugh)I mean he is cute

She bit her lip eyeing him down making me laugh

Yn:eww thirsty

Brielle:tell your nigga to tell his friend hit me up

Yn:oh spike...bitch that's his director

Brielle:get me with his fine ahhh (smiled)

We was turning up for like 30 more minutes and that's when symere came off stage talking with his friends so I just stood their on my phone waiting till he noticed me and that's when I saw a few woman walk up to him hugging him and one gave him a kiss on the cheek making me scrunch up my face hard

Brielle:(laughing)bitch undo that face right now before uzi leave your rat face ass

Yn:bitch I'm fine and you know that (do a pose)

Brielle:yeah I know (lick lips)

Yn:(laugh)gay ass

Brielle:but for real who them girls?

Yn:shoot I don't know but you know what I'm about to do?(scratch hair)

Brielle:what girl(raise eyebrows)

Yn:instead of sliding over there I'm about to slide in that dressing room you coming before his security get to the door?(look around)

Brielle:yeah but why ?

Yn:because if he bring a bitch in there I'm going pull them cotton candy looking ass dreads out his head

Brielle:(smirk)we both you know I ain't fight in a cold minute

Yn:bitch I don't need to be bailing you out again

Brielle:lol you want hurry your turtle ass up

Yn:(laugh)you think you funny

Brielle:nah I'm hilarious

I waved her off and we continued to his dressing room until we got there we snuck in and I sat on the black couch that was in there and Brielle sat by me in her phone on Snapchat making me shake my head cause that's her key to success

Security:call me if you need me

We heard the security voice outside the door

Symere:no problem make sure my moms and family and them meet me at the food place



That's when he walked in on his phone sweating bullets he shut the door and that's when he looked up and jumped making me laugh

Symere:what you doing here (smiling)

Yn:came to surprise you and plus who was that kissing in your cheek

Symere:(smack lips)don't trip nobody like that but that's my heart though (smirk laughing)

Yn:Tuh don't play with me

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