Chapter 8

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"Yes, Miss?" one of the staff came to me after I asked my assistant to call one of the employees that went with us. I was at the resto near the hotel suite since I just sneaked in from the girls just to talk to one of the people inside the company. I was wearing my PJs and hoodie jacket to cover my identity to public. I don't want my face plastered in any tabloids or social media. I know you can't avoid that kind of thing but I just want to lessen it.

"Can you please don't let her handle her phones, tablet or watch the TV? Even let her go out. Please don't permit her to browse the net, to read newspapers or whatever that includes us to media information and issues." I said to her. "I already asked the whole management but you're the one who were taking care of it. Please?"

"But Miss ~"

"Everybody knows this already and I am just informing you to shut up and follow whatever I am saying unless you want to be fired in just a click," I cut her off.

This is for her safety. My informer told me that they'll gonna come up for a press con about the kids and I don't wanna spoil the moment. I just want everyone to be shocked once we stepped back in Manila. I want everyone to be clueless, unaware and surprise. I want this thing to hurry because I don't want the twins to live with doubts, illegitimate and full of hatred. Their mom loathes James for choosing career over her and I don't want the twins to live like that. I want them to be recognized and happy. I don't know if their Mom still loves James but for me, you can't hate someone if you doesn't love them. Hate comes after love. I'm doing these for the twins. I love them both and I don't want them to be stuck in hatred.

I know, James is such a jerk but he has the rights to meet the two, right? And the two wants to meet him, especially Sebbie. That boy got his features from their dad, that's why before, their mom cries just staring at the little boy. But now, maybe she moved on that's why she had herself a boyfriend.

I was the one who's responsible for all of these. I was the one who suggested in sending the twins to Manila and I thanked our squad for persuading her. I was the one who looked for nannies, who transferred their flight to Manila, I asked her parents to not contact her and I am also glad that they also wants their daughter to let go the hatred and let the twins meet their father.

I have my eyes left in Manila, my ears in every corner of it. I have my guards everywhere just to not let the issues come inside the circle and ruin everything that I have planned. I want everyone to be happy and free because I love her, she's my bestfriend. I love them and I don't want them to feel hate at anything. We are growing old and we should think about peace and happiness.

I instructed the twins to go to their father since they badly wants to meet him.

"Auntie-Mama, do I have a Daddy?" one day Sebbie jumped on my bed and asked me that. I was startled for seconds and smiled at him.

"Of course you have," I patted his head and pinched his cheeks.

The door squeaked and Ollie followed her twin, listening to whatever I was saying.

And that was the day I started thinking about the twins. I observed their Mom, on how she reacts at him everytime it plays on TV or when his commercials will pop out. I know, I don't have the rights to interfere with their lives but still, I love them. Can you blame me?

I feel pity every time their Mom will shut off their idea about their father. I asked the kids to cover the whole thing and made excuses about their Mom. It was the perfect timing because we will be gone for quite a long time to promote and attend concerts.

"We will go to Manila," I said to the twins once I pulled them to one of the candy shop near our house. Their eyes said all the delightfulness they are feeling. They hugged me and bid their thanks.

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