Chapter One - Elizabeth

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Elizabeth’s POV

The screams of hundreds of frightened people echoed thought the burning opera house, they were all tried to make their way out. In my arms I held my little sister Gabrielle who had passed out from too much smoke inhaling and beside me ran my best friend Juliette, and together we tried to make our way through the crowd as fast as we could. in my mind was only one thought, I had to get Gabrielle out and find a doctor for her and that fast… she was only 6 years old when my parents, my older brother Jonathan and my older sister Katherine died in an accident 5 years ago and I had been taking care of her since then, she was now 11 and I was 19 years old,  after the accident we came to France to be ballet students at the opera, it had been our home since then and now it was burning down to ashes... I neither knew what to do or where to go but I had to get my sister out. Wherever I looked I could only see running people, I couldn’t see the door anywhere and the smoke was making me feel dizzy, but couldn’t give up now when I was so close! But suddenly one of the huge stone statues fell and landed on my right leg. I heard a cracking noise and fell to the ground as the pain overwhelmed me. My leg was stuck under the heavy statue and I couldn’t move. “Elizabeth!!!” Juliette screamed, turned around and came running to help me, but my leg was stuck. “wait here I’ll get help” she said and turned ready to run, but I grabbed her hand. ”no, get Gaby to a doctor!!” I said between tears, half because of the pain from my leg and half because of the smoke burning in my eyes. “B- But… you…” she said “NOW!! “ I screamed at her, she knew how much I cared for my sister, Gaby was the only family I had left… so Juliette took my sister from me and started running towards the doors. Now it was only me left in the huge entre, me and the corpses of the people who didn’t make it out, and I was soon to be one of them. I tried to get free but for no good, I was stuck, and the pain was almost too much to take. I started to cry and with my last forces I yelled for help, I knew that no living soul could hear me but I couldn’t help it. I started to cough as the smoke filled my lungs and it all got blurry. And the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was a beautiful man with long dark hair and over one half of his face he wore a white opera mask and under the mask I could see his deep blue eyes, they were as wild and stunning as the open sea. I loved the sea, I had grown up with my parents in a little house at a beach in Italy, and every day me and my siblings walked down to the water and played and every night our parents took us down there and we watched the stars, and me and my father sometimes danced around in the sand without shoes on. It was the best memories I had, but then a mysterious fire started in the middle of the night, me and Gaby were the only one who came out of the house alive. The day after our neighbors took us in to their home and there we stayed till one day when the mother in the family took contact with an old friend of my mother, this friend was Madame Giry… The man looked at me but it all started to become blurry, but I was sure that this man was an angel sent from heaven to realize me from this cruel world and reunite me with my family. And then it all turned black

hi! hope you like mt story and on the side i also posted a picture on how i think Elizabeth looks

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