chapter eight - Gabrielle

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Elizabeth’s POV

I made my way thought the darkness, I didn’t see anything and It was a little cold, the tunnel was made out of massive stone and with time it was getting smaller and smaller and in the and I even had to almost crawl to get to the end, but then a light appeared maybe 3 meters from the place I was on. I crawled towards the little light until I finally came out in the huge entre hall, it was totally ruined and everywhere I looked I saw bits of the roof that had fallen down and there was a big hole in the wall, I tried not to look around that much as everything here just reminded me of that terrible night the fire started, I made my way to the door, and walked out only to find the dark noon sky and small snowflakes dancing though the air, when you are deep under the ground you lose your sense of time and I seems like the cold Paris fall had turned into beginning winter, I looked around; the ground was covered by a thin layer of snow and the people wore thick coats, I regretted not wearing something other than a blue long sleeve dress and a pair of high heeled boots, not really the warmest cloths but I hadn’t expected to leave today. I danced through the streets while the soft snow fell and landed in my hair, an old lady stared at me as if I’d lost my mind entirely but I just smiled at her, I loved the winter and the chilly weather. I walked down the streets in order to get to Juliette’s house (if she doesn’t know were my sister is then I don’t know who does…) and as I walked I let my thoughts wandered away to Erik, had he ever seen winter? I felt sorry for him, I can’t be nice to be trapped for all your live unable to ever leave… ugh, the people of Paris are so judging, I mean is face isn’t that bad, I have seen much worse… I stopped in front of a big white house; this is where Juliette lived before she became a ballet student and her parents lived. I walked up to the large door and knocked, I could hear them scream at each other about whose going to open the door, ah, the Bailys, what a lovely family… I thought and giggled, Juliette’s family was always like this, augmenting about every single little thing but still they were the cutest family you’d ever meet;   Marion Baily (Juliette’s mother) was a short little loving mother to 5 kids, Juliette, Jonathan, Sandra, Hailee and little Louise. Marion’s husband, Henry, was and engineer with the worlds coolest mustache. It never was boring in the house of Baily. I heard Marion sigh and she opened the door, at first when she saw me she smiled but after a moment the smile slowly fainted away and her face got as pale as death and she screamed and ran away leaving the door open, I looked in not sure what to do, I could still hear Mrs. Baily scream in another room and after a while all the Baily siblings ran through the entry pushing each other to get to the door where I just stood and watched, was something wrong? Normally Mrs. Baily loved having me at her house but now she seriously looked like she was about to faint… Sandra was the first one to reach the door short followed by her twin sister Hailee, they just stared at me without saying a word, the others also came and stared at me, I felt uncomfortable and tried to start a conversation “ehm… hi, I would like to speak with Juliette, please…” they just stared at me, Sandra who was quiet a drama queen fainted and Juliette looked as if she’d seen a ghost. The other left the room dragging Sandra with them but they didn’t look away from me, I turned to Juliette “what’s wrong with everybody?” she just stared at me and the whispered “a-are y-you really h-here?” I was confused, of course I was here “ehm… yes…” her face lost all its color “b-but you are d-d-dead…” dead…? Oh, the fire… she thought I had died in it… “Ehm… no I’m not… we can say that an angel saved me.” I said and when she didn’t answer I asked the question I had come for “where is my sister, I want to see her” her eyes grew wide and she didn’t know how to answer “Gaby… I … there was n-nothing they could do…” I shook my head, no, this can’t be my Gaby can’t be dead… “She d-died the next morning, w-we had a f-funeral, she lays next to your g-grave… on the g-g-graveyard… oh goodness, w-we thought you were d-d-dead…” I couldn’t stand this anymore, she was lying… she had to be lying… “MY SISTER IS NOT DEAD!!!” I screamed and ran away, I just ran, without looking back, I had to get away from here… 

hope you like this chapter, and i'm sorry if you didn't want Gaby to die... oh, and i also posted a picture on the side of a girl i think looks a little like how i imagine how Gabrielle would look   

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