The fun might happen

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J.J pov

"Ummm...well...I will have to think about that" clever told me.
What should I do, if she says yes then do I try to pull a move or do I just sleep. But I already said sleep in my room for body heat, so we would be really close. If I don't pull a move, and I get an erection then she would feel a long stiff think hitting her.
"Ya I will sleep in your room" she says with a red face.
"Ok these go to my room then, and when I will cook dinner" I told her while waking to my room.
"You can cook?" Clever asked when smiling.
"Ya, I am great at cooking, what food do you like?" I asked her.
"I love chicken and rise!" She explained.
"Ok then that is what I will cook" I said.
"So here it is, the bedroom, and the bathroom is down the hall first door to the left. Unless you want to go to the bathroom in my room" I told her.
"I don't know, it will have to be something I choose at the moment I need to choose" Clever tells me.
"Ok" I respond.
I walk down stairs, to get to the kitchen. I take two chicken breasts, and cut the chicken in to small pieces. I get the rice into the rice cooker, and the the water. That should take 25 minutes to cook. I get a black stainless steel pan, then put the chicken into it.
I put half of the chicken on one plate and the other half on the other plate. A cup of rice goes on each plate.
"Food is done!" I yell.
"I am coming!" She yells back. "It smells great, what did you do?"
"Well I cooked, and I put something special on the rice, and the chicken is seasoned" I told her.
"So where did you learn to cook?" Clever asked.
"Well when I was 7 my mom died, and when I was 15 my dad left me, so when I was 15. That place, my old house, the one I lived in as a kid" I explained with a tears in my eyes.
"Oh, sorry I asked, I didn't know" she told me while looking down at her food.
"It is fine that was 12 years ago, I should be over it by now, but just know that my dad could be out there, or he could be dead. I will never know" I told her "It must be hard for you right now, I mean about you grandpa"
"Ya it is hard but now I have to be strong" she says while crying.
I get up and then pick her up. I bring her to the couch, and I sit next to her.
"Shhh, it will be fine. I will be here, you are strong" I whispered while I was putting my arm around her.
We stay there on the couch for like 13 minutes.
"Thank you" Clever tells me.
"No problem, I can't just let you cry like that" I told her. "Do you want to go to my bed, there is more room. The bed is softer too" I ask her.
"Ya, lets go" she tells me.
"Ok, do u want me to bring you there or do you want to walk? I ask.
"Can u pick me up again" she asks while smiling.
"Ya, you are nice and light" I tell her.
"Thank you" she told me.
"Ya, stand up. It is easier to pick you up that why" I said.
She stands up, I put one hand on her back, ending up feeling her bra strap, and the other hand on her lags. I push on her lags and then had her in my arms.
"Let's go!" Clever yells.
"Ya, to the bedroom" I yell.
I drop her off into my bed, and then strip my shirt off.


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