Getting a better look

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J.J pov

"Do you want to go back inside?" I ask.
"Sure, it is cold out here!" The girl responds with.
"That is good cause there is a drink waiting on you inside." I told her.
We walk inside, and I get a better look at her. Damn she is hot as fuck. She is smaller then me, but I could see that outside. Don't worry though I like them small. She also has an ass that I could just get right into, but her eyes really just took me. The darkness in her soul is needing something. I'm in love with them.
"...получил ее обратно!" ( her back!) the people in the bar yells. They stare at her and she seems oblivious to the fact.
"What did they say?" The girl questions tilting her head.
"They just said got her back?" I answer her. Well that is all I know that they said, I was in my own world so I only got half of the comments. "Sit down, and if you need any help just ask" I tell her. "I forgot to ask you what is your name?" 
"I'm Clever, Clever Rose." She says giving me a grin.
"то, что вы, ребята, говорите, и это ваша подруга?" (what are you guys saying and is this your girlfriend?) The bartender asks.
"она не может говорить русский и еще не." (She can't speak Russian and not yet.) I responded trying my best not to grin.
"What did he say?" She questions while putting her drink down.
"He was just asking what we are saying, so I said you don't know Russian." I tell her.
"Oh" Clever says puts her hand in her lap and looks down, a small strand of her Carmel color hair falls in her face. I press down my instincts to tuck it behind her ear. Wait if she can't even speak any Russian then how would she get a place to sleep.
"Do you have anywhere to sleep tonight?" I ask her.
"Well I do and don't." She notices me looking at her questioningly. "I don't have one tonight but I don't know how to tell them that I want to get a room" she tells me. "My grandpa dyed I was going to stay in his place but I can't get there tonight."
"You can sleep at my place if you want to!" I recommend.
"I might take that offer but I don't know yet" Clever tells me.
Yes, it might not be a yes but it's not a no. But I might have a chance of...

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