8 3 3

"PHHHHIIIIILLLLLL???" I screamed to my roommate

"Yeah?" Phil replied, I heard his footsteps wander to the door of my room, light but loud enough for me to hear.

"You didnt pay your half of the tax again" I said to him, just as he arrived and leant against the door frame.

"Im sorry Dan, I havent been able to, I feel like no ones been watching my videos, no money has been going to my bank" he replied, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I know Phil, its been going on for a while, Ive tried retweeting every tweet you post, promoting your channel on my videos, fuck, Ive tried every fucking thing I can" I replied, on the verge of tears, weve had hardly any money this year, using all of my money for the bills and for food. Phils been getting less than 30 euros a month.

Phil just mumbled something and walked away with his head down.

Ive noticed weird things happening with Phil, every pizza night we have, he wont eat, yet he hasnt lost wait, I havent seen him eat cereal or take a drink at all this year, yet he hasnt lost weight. Every time we go out, no one seems to notice him or anything, hes made no purchases in real life or online. He has not been acting like himself, he hasnt been acting like hes a human.

I knew today I had to ask him, before it got too dark. It was already 10 at night so around now was a good time,

theres already a scientific proof or something that people are more likely to tell the truth at night right? I think so I thought to myself, I knew Id already asked him why hes been acting so weird lately but he brushes it off or acts like he cant hear me, but Ive never asked him at night.

so I called him back


his footsteps came back- he had his sticker covered laptop in his hands

"sooo whatcha doing?" I asked

"scrolling through tumblr. How about you?"

"bored honestly" I laughed

"well, your birthday is in a few days! Are you excited to be 25?"

"not really. Its gonna be my QUARTER LIFE CRISIS" I exclaimed

"i know you'll love it" he clapped, smiling.

"I swear if anyone gets me money its all gonna be spent on weeaboo shit "

"I hope you like what I get you" he smiled

"im sure I will phil. I need to ask you an important question though"

This was it, no turning back, Phil put his laptop screen down, and quickly put it back in his room


"I've noticed that you haven't been eating like, at all, and you seem really sad and I want to help you, I really care about you Phil, you just need to talk to me, please"

"I really would tell you if I could" Phil replied sighing

"I wish youd open up to me more, ever since we went on holiday everything went to shit, please Phil, stop locking me out, what happened to the friendship we once had?"

I dont know Dan, Im so sorry, I want it to go back to what we once had-"

then lets make it work, Phil just talk to me"

"I cant Dan, I cant, I want to but I cant, you wont believe me"

I will, I will, I will because you arent telling me anything anymore and I cant stand it, Ill believe anything now please"

"no." he mumbled


"I cant"

"why, I cant stand this invisible wall between us, where I can tell you anything but you wont answer me back" I said, a little harsher than I thought.

"look, ok things are stressful, you know I love you but I cant do anything ok, I'm sorry" he closed my door gently.

I got up and ran to my door, I tried to open it,

"phil?" I questioned.

"PHIL?" I yelled, still trying to open my door.

"Im sorry" I heard a broken whisper from the other side of the door.

He was locking me in my own room.

"i-im so-rry fo-or bein-ng such a failu-re" he whimpered

"phil open this door right now" I demanded


"NOW" I yelled


I gave up, I slid down the door with my back to it.

"this is the end" Phil said

"it isnt, it cant be, it wont" I told him

"I'll miss how we used to hug, and how I used to watch you fall asleep with me. I will"

"phil what are you doing?"

"I dont know anymore"

//AN// yeah I know this is really crappy but oh well. It'll get better hopefully ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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