The New Girl

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3 Years Earlier...

     I watched the gravel get stirred about on the side of the road. I shook around violently as my father carelessly maneuvered his old pick up truck down the seemingly abandoned road of Lawton, Oklahoma. This was our new home.
     As we pulled up to the new house, it wasn't nearly what I thought it'd be. It was worn out, beaten up, and obviously caked in mud and rust. Great. Another thing for the kids at school to make fun of me for.
     Dad and I got out of the truck, each of us slamming the doors way too hard. I'm surprised they haven't come off yet.
     "So," sighed Dad, "What do ya think, Carla?"
     "Meh" I replied, shrugging my shoulders as I grabbed my bags from the bed of the truck. I scuffed my feet as I walked up to the front steps. As I walk up them, one of the stairs breaks and my foot slightly falls through. I groan and shoot my Dad an annoyed look.
     "Just try and make the best of it, okay Carls?"
     I already hate this place.
     The reason why we moved, is because my Mom left us, and my Dad thinks a "fresh start" would be good for us. I beg to differ.
     Later on that night, as I began to put away my things, I get a notification on my phone. It says "Reminder: Read Your Daily Devotional". Everyday, I read a daily devotional that my mom recommended for me. She really loves God. I hope she's okay.
     I roll my eyes to fight back tears, and toss my phone onto the heap of clothes piled up near my closet. I collapse onto my roughly placed matress, and cry myself to sleep.
     The next day, I found it extremely hard to get out of bed. I didn't sleep much. All I could think about was "What if mom comes back for me? And I'm not there?" and "Why did she leave? Why would God do this to me?".
   I walk out into the kitchen, grab a banana and the keys, and head out the door.
    "Carla? Carla!"
      I ignore my Dad's shouting as I begin to pull up directions to the school on my phone. I hop in the truck -since my Dad won't be needing it, he works from home- and I drive 20 minutes to my new school. I park, and get out. As I walk up to the front doors, I feel as though all eyes are on me. Even though nobody even cared to notice my existence.
     I walk in and head to the attendance office. It's the beginning of June, there's literally no point in going to school.
     The woman at the desk hands me my schedule and a map, giving me absolutely no direction on where to go. I stare blankly at the two white pieces of paper, when suddenly I feel someone tapping me on my shoulder.
     "Oh, um, yeah, kinda"
     "It's alright, I'm Lucas. I'll take you to your class, can I see your schedule?"
     "Carla" I say as I nod and hand him the paper. He studies it for a minute, then his face lights up, as though a light bulb had just went off in his head.
     "Okay, follow me!"
     As we walk, I can't help but notice how handsome he is. He has thick blonde hair and green eyes, and practically towers over me. He looks about 17, so he must be in my grade. Note to self: try not to catch feelings. That's the last thing you need right now.
     "So, I haven't seen you around before, are you new? What grade?"
     "Yeah, uh," I stuttered slightly, as I spoke. Great going, Carla. "I'm a senior."
       "So am I!!" He replies, with too much excitement.
        I continue to follow him, for what feels like hours. He stops at the smallest door in the hallway.
     "Well, this is it. Most of your classes are down this hall, except for the last one, which is right next door to mine. It's over there" he says, as he points to the hall directly next to the one we are in.
     "I better get going. I'll see ya later."
     "Bye," I stutter back. I open my mouth to speak more, but nothing comes out. I stand there and watch him walk away. I then take a deep breath, and walk into my first class.
     Later on that day, when the last bell rang, I didn't even make it half way out of the classroom before Lucas bombarded me with questions as he raced toward the door.

   "Hey! How'd it go? Do you like it?"
     "Uh, yeah, I guess so."
     "Do you ride the bus?"
     "Nah, I drive."
     "Oh cool, I ride the bus, but I hate it."
     "Oh do you want a ride?"
Why Carla? Why did you say that? You're so stupid.
     "Sure, thanks!"
     Great, now I get another opportunity to embarrass myself...outside of the chaos of a new school.
     He follows me as I head for the truck.
     "Hop in, be careful of the doors, they're kind of old."
     The ride consists of mainly silence, except for when I ask him where to go. He lives three blocks away from me. He gets out, and we say our goodbyes, but just before he closes the door, he says,
     "Oh, if you need anything, now you  know where to find me."
     "Oh, yeah, uh I guess."
     "See you Monday?"
     "See you."
     He walks up to his front door and opens it without looking back. I drive away, and can't help but smile the entire time.
     The next day I wake up to my Dad shouting my name.
     "Carla!! Get up let's go!"
     "Dad, it's Saturday."
     "We are going for a walk, c'mon!"
     "Since when?"
     "Since now! We are changing our lives for the better. Hurry up and get ready!!"
     Ugh. I'm so not in the mood for this. Hey, maybe he'll let me walk by Lucas's house.
     After getting ready in a pair of grey leggings and a bright green tank, with my hair tied back, I ran down the stairs into the living room. My Dad was passed out on the couch. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
     "Dad?? Dad come on don't play around, aren't we going for a walk?"
     I walk back into the living room, and freeze. He has a beer in hand, and 2 on the floor...empty.
     I drop the water bottle on the ground and immediately begin shaking. I'm speechless and I don't know what to do. I reach for the house phone on the coffee table, and nearly faint.
     "911, whats your emergency?"
     "M-my Dad, he is passed out cold on the couch, I-I can't wake him!"
     "Alright calm down, where are you located dear?"
     "196 Hardington Way, please come quickly!"
     "We've got people on the way."
     As we hang up, I run to my Dad to check for a pulse. He had one. At the time I hadn't thought to start CPR, I had immediately thought "I cannot do this alone". I fell to my knees and prayed.
     "Dear God, please let Dad be okay. He's all I have. In the name I pray, Amen."
     The medics show up, and rush him to an ambulance. One of them walks up to me, and sympatheticly rests their hand on my shoulder.
     "Hey, sweetie," she starts, "I'm so sorry this has happened. Would you like to take a ride with us, in the ambulance?"
     "N-no," I replied. "There's something I have to go do first."
     I run to the truck, and start it up. I speed down the road, and drive three blocks on 80 miles per hour before coming to an abrupt stop. Yep, you guessed it. I'm at Lucas's house. I get out and run to the door, not exactly sure what to say. I just knew that I needed to see a familiar face.
     I knock, and luckily it is Lucas who answers. I unintentionally start crying at the sight of him.
     "My Dad, it's my Dad! He passed out, I think he was drunk, and I don't know what to do!"
     I collapse, but he catches me, and stands me back up.
     "Hey, hey, it's alright. Did you call 911?"
     "Yeah, I did, he's on his way to he hospital."
     "Then why are you here?"
     He doesn't let me finish. He slams the door shut behind him and practically drags me to the passengers side. He lifts me into the car, shuts the door, and races to the drivers side. When he gets in, I can't help but ask him one thing:
     "Why are you helping me?"
     "Well, we're friends, aren't we?"


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