» Chapter 3

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Hello guys!!

Sorry for the long wait!! It felt like FORVER!! :(

Anyways, I rushed to finish this chapter so sorry about any mistakes :( If you spot any please tell me :)

Guess what? I changed my account name :)


Disclaimer: I am just borrowing the boys of One Direction and I don't plan on returning them:) *wink*


Chapter 3

❝Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings
Just once please try not to be so mean
Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E
Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance)
You can do it baby❞

-True Love, Pink ft. Lily Allen


Harry nervously fiddled with his fingers as he stared down at the phone lying on the coffee table in front of him. It had been two days since the interview and he was sure he wouldn’t get the job because come on his ex- boyfriend is his boss’s adopted brother. But another part him was sure that he will get the job, call it hope or hopelessness but Harry couldn’t refuse that part of himself.

“Harry!”, Louis voice hissed at the curly haired lad from the doorway making him jump in fright hitting his knee on the glass table.

“What is it, Lou?”, he replied annoyed rubbing his palm over his left knee cursing the twenty two year old in front of him.

“Move your ass from that sofa and clean up the dirty dishes from the dinner because I am leaving in two hours”, Louis replied crossing his hands over his chest and glaring through his bright blue eyes daring the emerald eyed man to argue.

“Lou! I’ll clean them up after I get the call. Where are you going anyway?”, Harry asked holding his phone closer to himself so he could have easier access to it if it rings.

“Well, if you forgot I have a job! Unlike someone I know”, the Doncaster lad replied sassily making Harry groan to himself.


Harry’s phone rang as he was halfway through the dishes, he almost slipped on the tile to reach his phone. May be it was about the job?

But Harry was disappointed to see it was only Louis.

“Now what? Before you begin, I am almost done with the dishes!”, Harry answered the phone, annoyed.

“Hello to you too Harry. I didn’t call to know about the dishes but I’m impressed!”, Louis replied back laughing. “I feel so proud”. Harry could imagine him smirking and moving his hands around in a gesture of praise.

“Louis! Cut the chase why did you call?”, Harry questioned sternly but couldn’t help the smile on his face at his friends crazy tactics.

“Well, I called to tell that I’m going to meet Niall’s friends for lunch!”, Louis gushed out excitedly but Harry could detect a hint of nervousness.

“That’s great Louis! They’ll love you”, Harry replied encouraging his friend as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

“You think so? What if I screw up? Like make a lame joke and they think I’m crazy”, Harry could hear the panic in his friend’s voice making him break out laughing.

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