(Naruto Love Story) Chapter 11 - Wait For Me -

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(you both were at the house now)

Ai - this is your new home Shiro! (she jumped out of your hands)

Naruto- she seems to like it 

Ai- *hehe* well im glad 

Naruto- Ai..

Ai- (you turned to naruto) yes? what is it? (you smiled at him)

Naruto-  oh! uhh..well you know we should start heading to bed and everything since we have to wake up really early for tomorrow 

Ai - *ah* right, right im sorry naruto its just i got excited since we have shiro now (you went inside the room to get some pajamas to put on then started towards the bathroom) i'll try not to take too long okay?

Naruto- *naaah* don't worry about it  take your time (he smiled at you) 

Ai- alright (you then closed the door behind you)

                                                                  NARUTOS P.O.V.

Naruto- well shiro i guess its just you and me 

Shiro- nyaaaan~~~ (she started to lick her paw)

Naruto- *hmmm* ~~ soon me and AI will be true ninjas, will go on real missions and everything! maybe ill even have enough courage to confess to her, all i want to do is protect her

???- just tell her already! shes gonna be taken away from you if you don't hurry up, *nyan*

Naruto- i can't i don-, wait... (you looked around) who said that? 

???- me, *nyan*

Naruto- (you looked at shiro) shiro... 

Shiro- (she tilted her head) yes?

Naruto- (you jumped as you heard the cat respond)

Shiro- *nyan* what is it?

(you noticed her mouth wasnt moving when she spoke)

Naruto- but for some reason i can hear her 

Shiro- its called telepathy, *nyan*

Naruto- im surprised you can talk, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BEFORE!

Shiro- *nyaaaan*,why are you yelling? (she tried too cover her ears with her paws)

Naruto- *hmmm* (you picked up shiro and put her directly in front of your face at your eye level) 

Shiro- what's with that intense stare?, *nyan*

(you contiued to stare at her and she just blinked, just then you heard the bathroom door open)

Ai- hey are you two gettng along?

(you and shiro turned to Ai)

Naruto- ~~ crap, what am i gonna say?~~

Ai- ...

(it was an akward silence)

Shiro- *nyaaaan* ( she jumped from your hands and ran towards ai)

Ai- was he threating you shiro? 

Shiro- *nyaan*

(Ai threw a glare your way)

Naruto- i swear i didn't do anything Ai!

Ai- then why were you holding poor little shiro like that? you looked like you were going to hurt her or something! (she scoops up shiro)

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