Chapter 15

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When John came home, he was greeted by a very indignant sister. She had just about screamed at him for almost an hour because of his tardiness. The only responses he had were apologies, only wishing he could go back to the park and stay with Sherlock forever, which he planned to do in his dreams that night. 

For most of Harry's lecture, John daydreamed until she explained to him why she was so cross:

"All I wanted was for you to be here right after school so that we could talk about mum and dad's funeral. That's all I wanted, John, but no. You had to be selfish and go off with Sherlock. I haven't asked for much this past week. You could have at least done this one thing."

John looked up at his sister then, guilt filling his chest. "Harry, I-"

"It doesn't matter. Do whatever you want, but the funeral is Saturday morning. At least show up to that," she huffed, stomping out of the room and leaving John to sit with his own thoughts.

John had sat on the sofa frozen for several minutes after his sister left. Eventually, after realizing that he wouldn't be able to get rid of the unpleasant feeling in his chest on his own, he began his walk to his room. Before walking past Harry's room, he stopped in front of it. 

"I'm not going to school tomorrow," he said, not waiting for a reply before fleeting to his room. He took a seat on his bed and shifted his weight so that he could pull his cell out of his back pocket. He clicked a few buttons to get to the messages between Sherlock and him so that he could let Sherlock know that he'd be missing school the next day. He knew if he didn't tell Sherlock, the brunette would cause a war or something, which he definitely did not need right now. 

Not going to school tomorrow. I'm not feeling good.

He only had to wait a moment before he got a response.

You seemed fine earlier.

Well now I'm not. 

John, you've been acting strange lately.

Yes, well my parents are dead.

That's not what I meant. I'm sorry.

Their funeral is Saturday morning. Be there?

Of course I'll be there, but I want to know that you're okay. 

I'll see you Thursday. Love you.



I love you too.

John set his cell on his wardrobe, plugging it into it's charger. He walked into the bathroom and slipped two more pills down his throat. Coming back into his room, he heard his cell ring, signaling that he got a message. He lifted his phone off of the dresser and read the message from Unknown.

I know you're sad over your parents' death, but are you really that out of it, John? He gave you a gift, and you haven't even found it yet. I'm disappointed. When he gave you the gift, it was because he was happy there was a new student at the school that had become so close to Sherlock Holmes, but now that your parents are dead I guess that doesn't really matter. Let me know when you find it. I want to know  what's inside!

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