Chapter 12: A New Beginning

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     I woke up felling pretty strange. I looked around seeing I was in a room. There was a big curtain with stars on it. It was hard to look around, but I managed to do so. I looked around left to right, and seen 2 black figures. White lights turned on. I looked down and picked up my hands. I had mechanical hands that were brown with a peach colored paw. I looked at my arms seeing the were brown mechanical arms too. I was freaking out. I looked to my right. I seen a girl bear.

    She had blue eyes, a hat that had a red flower on it, long eye lashes, pink things that were shaped as a ball  on her two checks, a microphone, red lipstick on, and a red flower on her next to a name tag that said "Nancy". That name Nancy clicked to my head. I looked to my left and a girl that looked like a reptile, like a lizard. She had brown hair, green eyes with long eye lashes, pink things on her cheeks just like Nancy did. She also had red lipstick, a green flower, and next to it was a name tag that said "Lizzy".

     I turned around at Nancy again. I tried so hard to think where I heard that name from. Then it clicked to my mind.
"Now we got 2 of your loved ones dead, and possessed into animatronics. Dave is inside of the new Marionette and we got your lover Sonya inside of Nancy The Bear". "What!" I said to myself. "Sonya?" I said to her. "Is that you?" I struggled to walk up to her. But I managed to do so. I got up to her face to face and knocked on her head.

     Nothing happened. I put my head down. I heard a click, I looked up at her. She looked at me. "WTF!! Get away from me" she yelled at me. She fell to the ground. I bend down and offered my hand to pick her back up. "Sonya, it's me Max", I told her. "You don't have to be scared anymore, I'm here for you now". She looked at me. She got up and stood next to me. She looked down at herself "what? WHAT! What happened to me why down I have robotic parts on me? Why? Where are we at?" She said to me in fear. "We have been transfered into a suit and I don't know why but we are going to make it out of this", I said to her calmly.

     She looked at me. We heared moving behind us. It was Lizzy. We walked over to Lizzy. She said "nice to meet you fellow friends, I'm Lizzy what's your names". I looked at her. She looked at our name tags. "Oh your Fazz and she is Nancy nice to meet you", she said to us. "My name is Fazz", I said to myself. Lizzy replied "What was that". "Nothing", I said quickly. She showed us around the place and we got to see a lot of new places and rooms. I thought to myself "did we move to another location?". We went to a stage that said enjoy the day with Gator. I looked into the stage lifting the curtain. The light turned on for his stage. He was a tall green alligator. He had a little alligator that grabbed things with his mouth kinda like a toy for kids to play with. On his chest had a name tag that said Gator on it. I guess his name was Gator.

     "I'll show you around more tomorrow" Lizzy said, "maybe I could show you the private room too", she also said while winking at me. I got very uncomfortable, especially that we were animatronics and there was no way that could actually work in anyway. "Oh yeah, I want you to meet a very close friend of mine, meet Trash Dump aka Slimey", Lizzy said to us. "Hello, nice to meet you", Slimey said to me. I walked up to him. "Slimey? Is that really you?" I said to him. "Yes", he looked at me "hello Max, it's nice to see you again".

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