Chapter 4

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Golden Cage City, September 15, 3:12 pm

We ran outside leaving Fred inside the shed. The two undead stupidly staggered towards our direction. One of them is a man with a long hair. He was missing an arm and he charged directly at Nic. The other one was missing his left knee going down. He kept on stumbling-falling-getting-up stumble again and falling then decided to crawl to where Nic was fighting the long haired undead.

Nic was basically chopping the long hair in every direction. He tries to hit the head but it moves too much. I froze – I'm the biggest jerk, I know! – too stunned to do anything. Nic had the long hair down, continuously hitting its head with blood oozing on each hit.

The other undead was crawling too close – almost – behind Nic when I suddenly felt my inner Spartan go berserk – or just my adrenaline rushing. Unable to mutter any word, I ran towards the crawling undead hitting its head with my hammer. It was already on the ground so I didn't have much problem hitting it.

"Wha – " Nic stopped hitting the long haired dead undead – that's funny – and turned to my rushing figure.

I continued to smash the ex-dude's head until it stopped moving. My hammer's head got too much gore on it, I wiped it on the undead's checkered shirt. Noticing the blood sprayed on my skirt and lower leg, I frowned.

"We gotta go."

"Okay" I walked towards my bag where I've dropped it before attacking the undead. "Wait, where are you going?" I slipped my bag onto my shoulder.

"To the condo?"

"But that's not the exit." I pointed to the back gate where I first came in.

"I know another way."

I followed him when a loud growling and pounding was heard from the shed.


Golden Cage City, September 15, 3:27 pm

We sneakily tip toed like ninjas on the narrow street going to the condo. Nic said this road leads to the back side of the condo where we could enter. We nearly avoided some undead and had to bash more heads for those we couldn't really avoid.

Once through the tunnel-like street, we were greeted by a wider, diagonal road, with houses and mini-stores on each side. The road was abandoned, with trash and some bodies lying around.

I bit my lip at the sight.

The back of the condo had a security house but no one was there. Nic climbed the gate first, landing safely on the other side. I struggled with the sling bag I had before I could finally set my footing. I had to tuck my hammer on my belt too to grip properly.

I was almost on top of gate when an undead suddenly appeared. It was wearing a cup and a school bag was still on its back. It was trying to reach me but its small frame couldn't.

A child. The undead was only a small boy. Judging from his ripped uniform, he's just in grade school. It looked up at me with its yellowish bulging eyes. Its teeth were completely bashed with its other ear missing. It was flailing its arm up like a babe on its milestone steps.

I paused midway silently mourning for the ex-boy.

Someone cleared his throat snapping me out of my grief, "Ash, you may want to hurry down..."

Nic was closely looking at my eyes – down.

"You perv! Look away!" Remember I said I was wearing a khaki skirt? Yup. My skirt was an ordinary straight cut knee-length ,but I had to roll it up a bit to climb the gate. With my current position, my legs were too exposed for my liking.

"Crap." Nic cursed before walking towards a limping undead woman. It still had its uniform but its missing a chunk of its face. Her dress was hugging her body exposing a luscious curve but if I were man, I'd still not date her. I mean, would you like to date a sexy undead?

Thought so.

Nic took care of the limping sexy undead as I carefully sent myself down from the gate. I landed pretty well, making sure my skirt is down again. Then I walked towards Nic who was rubbing his arm.

"So, where to know?"

"Follow me." He smirked as he led me to a dark corner.

Golden Cage City, September 15, 4:36 pm

The sun was setting fast sooner than we expected.

We passed by a shed before reaching something that looks like a fire exit. The shed reminded me of Fred's misfortune back at the water district. I shivered remembering his 'last moments' as a human being. We left him inside that shed as an undead. Maybe we should have put an end to his misery?

I was following Nic around, facing his back. I bet he couldn't get himself to harm Fred. I mean, if he was my friend, I couldn't shake the thought that I killed him with my own two hands right? Even if he was already an undead.

I must have sent telekinetic messages to Nic because he turned facing me with both hands on his hips. I shook my head to focus.

"We're here." He pointed his axe to a folded ladder just above him.

On the way here, he briefed me on the things we were about to do. He's gonna pull himself up on the exit ladder then send the ladder down for me to climb up. We will then enter the building and find a room to spend the night, or the following days.

It's just simple really, ladder then room. Or I thought so.

When he successful jumped and pulled himself up, he tried to lower the ladder to no avail. It wouldn't budge. Whatever the reason is, seems like fate only knows. I sighed and gave him my bag, preparing to pull myself up. I just need some kind of chair or anything I can use to get closer to the ladder.

To make matters worse, three undead coming from whoever knows where suddenly appeared! They were settling near the back gate, as if whispering to each other. They didn't seem to notice me but that wouldn't be the case anytime longer. Nic was still trying to budge the ladder making small noises.

"Nic! Stop it!"I whispered to him.

When he looked at me, I pointed to the three undead. His eyes widened, and prepared to jump. I motioned for him to halt, and somehow made hand signs telling him about my next move.

There were buckets of paint beside the shed, just 2 meters away from me. The three undead were about 7-8 meters away. That would give me enough time to get some buckets to stand on and jump-grab the ladder.


I tiptoed to the shed, frantically hiding when one undead was about to turn to my direction. My heart was beating so loud, I thought it could be heard from miles away. Nic was holding his axe but curled up on one side on the stair's balcony to hide his human figure.

I peeked at the three undead. They were still busy 'chit chatting' with each other so I took this opportunity to move. I grabbed two buckets of paint, one on each hand.

Goodness, these are heavy.

I placed the buckets just beneath the ladder and stood on them one foot on each. I tried to grab the ladder but I still couldn't reach it. I jumped a little but it's still inches away.

I placed one bucket over the other, reaching once again. I'm closer to it now but not close enough to grab the first step.

Nic is already waiting on top the ladder, looking down at me, mouthing me to hurry up. One of his hands is holding the rail, while the other is reaching for me. Yeah, right. Like that's gonna reach me.

I held my breath and jumped-grabbed again. The tip of my fingers brushed against the step.


I came stumbling down on my butt with the buckets clanking loud, calling for the undead.

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