Chapter 5

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Golden Cage City, September 15, 4:57 pm

My eyes widened, focused on the limping chatters. This is the end of my futile short life on earth. Why can't I see any flashbacks like what they usually portray when someone's about to die?

Silently, I prayed.

Dear Lord, I'm still young and I still have dreams to accomplish, but I guess this is the end. At least I get to see my late grandpa.

My amazing, cool and the most wonderful grandpa in the world! One who loves me so much and pays me some coins whenever I'm able to pull off some of his gray hair! Muahaha.

I almost smiled at the memory but my eyes landed back to the limpers. Goodness, why was I closing my eyes. Oh right.

I just hope these monsters would at least spare my head. At least someone will think I still have my body parts intact inside my coffin during my funeral. Oh wait, I don't think I'll have a funeral...

"Move now you idiot!" Nic shouted at me.

There's no need to keep silent now. With three undead limping towards me, my heart grew another one beating so fast and pounding loud too. With adrenaline rushing, I jumped up and piled the buckets again. I tried to jump higher and a grab!

I pulled myself up, almost reaching the top but someone or something grabbed my ankle. I blankly kept on kicking, with Nic grabbing my back collar – almost choking me to death. If the undead won't be able to kill me, he might.

The grabbing thing finally let go, and I was able to climb up. Breathing heavily, I slumped down the floor. Nic was bashing my grabber's head using his axe. I noticed the three undead were still limping towards the commotion then realized there was another undead lurking after all.

I froze at the sudden realization. I really totally too closely kissed my life goodbye! Thank you God for helping me, and of course my human hero called Nic!

Once the grabber was dead, Nic dropped his axe beside me, placing both his hands on my shoulders, shaking me.

"You okay?!"

I nod.

"They almost got you."

"I know..."

He sighed in relief when I answered him.

"We need to get going." He grabbed my bag and his axe in one hand, offering his other hand to me.

I grabbed his hand and stood up, taking my bag from him. I looked back down and saw my big chisel on the ground.

Bummers. One lost weapon.

We walked inside a short and small corridor towards a door just behind us. Nic tried to twist the knob.

"It's locked."

"I'll try to pick it." I reached for my Swiss knife, trying the cross-tip screwdriver to pick. When that didn't work, I used the awl.

"Sorry Nic, I think I lost my lock picking skills together with my luck and life." I gave him a sheepish smile.

"You didn't lose your life though." He grunted and used his axe to open the door.

"I thought we're not supposed to destroy doors?"

He shrugged, "We'll just do whatever works."

Golden Cage City, September 15, 5:28 pm

As the sun was preparing itself to set, lights inside the building were powered on. Or that's what I thought.

After Nic destroyed the door – well just the knob, really – we were greeted by two stairs offering paths on opposite directions. One was going down, while the other was going up. Nic and I decided to take the stairs up for obvious reasons – the higher, the farther from those sly monsters, the better.

We opened another door leading inside, one that's not locked. The first I noticed was a sign that says "2F" in a huge bold font in a glossy gold tone. We must be at the second floor, duh Einstein. That gave me chill, as I thought we are too close to the ground. It's not like those undead can climb stairs, right? I hope not so.

We silently walked along the abandoned corridor of the condo. Someone must have forgotten to power on the lights here. It was dimly lit, only a small lamp above the elevator at the end of the corridor gave us a faint light. Doors were lined on both our sides, facing each other. Each time we passed by one, we try to see if they were unlocked. Unfortunately, none of them were. We were almost halfway the corridor but still no luck.

I just checked the door on my side when I continued walking, tailing Nic. That wasn't a very bright idea though for I bumped into his hard back when he stopped walking.

"What?" I asked rubbing my forehead, giving a little distance.

He placed an index finger on his lips again, then pointed to his ear.

I heard it.

A sound of something dragging. We didn't know where it came from but the sound reverberated in the corridor, as if its source is nearby.

The sound reminded me of a bad waltz dancer using horseshoes.

Nic motioned me to pin ourselves on the wall. The dragging sound was getting louder, till we could see a shadow on the elevator's doors. We stopped moving, or maybe even breathing. After a short moment, an undead in a suit was blankly walking towards the right side of the elevator, opposite from where he came from.

We couldn't see much how badly its condition was but judging from his intact legs, it isn't much beaten up.

"Where's it going" I whispered.

He was thinking for an answer, "I think he was going to the coffee shop."

I rolled my eyes, "You're kidding, right?" This is not the best time for it, really.

"No. If I remember correctly, there's supposed to be a coffee shop on the second floor."


I was about to say something else but I was cut off by a really familiar and the most beautiful sound I've ever heard – bolts unlocking.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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