what's your jealousy

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lynn loud-

at royalwood elementary school you and lynn were the top athletes

the king and queen of football

the duke and duchess of baseball and softball

the two of you were evan the top in just warming up before sports leaving everyone in the dust

but out of all those sports there was one that had the two of you in a extra pumped mood and what made everyone fear


and today was practically bad

teacher- alright maggots the team leaders are ....lynn loud!

lynn pumps her fist


teacher-and....(y/n) cuthbert!

the class then snickers at your last name

lynn-pfffft cuthbert really (y/n)

you glare at her

you-not everyone has a cool last name loud!

you then see the guys and girls in the class and growl at them

you-you guys do know this is dodgeball right!

that made everyone stop

lynn looks at you with fire blazing in her eyes

lynn-you know (y/n) we never did find out who was top dog

at the same time lighting seemed to spark in your eyes

you-your right and i believe we still have to break that tie what was it twenty to twenty

and at that moment every student realize the terror that had befallen them

they were not only given a metaphorical time bomb on each team

but now they were in the center of a clash between lynn loud and (y/n) cuthbert tiebreaker faceoff !

teacher- ok maggots! line up lynn gets first pick!

the students line up and wait

lynn-hmmm kent!

a tall boy runs over to lynn

you-dang! well i pick... lucy!

she then appears next to you

lucy-i'll send them into despair


lynn-why pick her first

you-shes hard to find and in dodgeball thats handy

lynn snaps her fingers at that

lynn-grrr fine i..chose..

it went on until two were left lincoln and clyde

you-hmmmm man this is hard it's like picking if i want to drink some bleach or drink some acid

lynn-can't blame you lincoln stinks and clyde is just useless when it comes to sports

you-alright i made my choice link get over here!

the white haired boy runs over nervously

and clyde walks over to lynns

teacher- now that the teams are set LET'S...PLAY....DOGEBAAAAALLLLL!

he blows the whistle and mass chaos ensues

students were ether fighting for their lives or hiding to get away

you-come on guys! we need to win and if you don't ill pound you into next week!!

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