hi there guys from the title you must guess that am a huge spyro buff with me playing my fav ripto's rage and then spyro the dragon and finishing off with the.....hardest spyro game ever... i was sooooo happy that i made this on account of the spyro the reignited trilogy coming out in months timeplease enjoy
and stay bl.....you know what... let's try something different with this one
please comment and stay purple guys
lynn loud-
you were in complete stillness
still but aware of your surroundings
you saw all of gnasty gnorcs minions take the stone forms of your friends your family
your mate
even as you yourself where picked up and deposited somewhere in the dragon realms you stood on top of a tower where a portal for whatever dragon was going to use it and there you stood waiting
and waiting
and waiting
you could never move only watch
that was the worst part seeing the green blobs that where the goons of gnasty gnorcs army
you-(oh what i wouldn't give to give them a serious case of sunburn!)
but you were stuck and unable to do anything
so you waited for a hero
some dragon to get you out
some dragon to help you find lynn and your family
some dragon to...
why was everything shaking!
you feel panic rise as you feel your stone body crack and shake until a flash of light
and you can move!
you uncurl from so you can stretch out
your blue scales glistenin in the sun and your eyes focus on....
a pipsqueak of a dragon?
???-ummmm hi
you look at him funny
you-yeah ummm hi who the heck are you
the dragon looks at you in the eye
???-am spyro...oh! and this is sparks!
at that moment a dragonfly comes into your face and buzzes loudly
you blow out some breath from your nose to blow the annoying thing away and speak in a sarcastic voice
spyro-soooo are you going to give me some insight i kinda need some right now to find more dragon statues
you snort witch makes blue flames come out
you-how old are you
spyro-oh! uhhhh am twelve!
if you had hands you would slap yourself
this was the hero you were waiting for a dragon that does not even come up to your neck!
you sigh
you-you want insight
spyro nods as sparks flies behind him
Loud house older sisters scenario
RomanceIn this scenario you are now dating a member of one of the five older sisters every thing is fun but with nine sisters meddling and one brother trying to be supportive who can say what can happen in THE LOUD HOUSE!