Those Good Times of When

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I sat at a counter singing today,
A song I've sung hundreds of times
My hands found the beat and begun to play
Keeping pace with the lines and the rhymes.

Halfway through the perfect cacophony
I heard another voice joining in
I found myself enveloped in harmony
And my hands thundered on through the din.

The background of song,
Of hand and of cup
Continued on through the night.
You laughed as I taught you a melody
And I laughed as I took in the sight.

Your cup flew up
Soared into the air
Then fell back to your waiting arms
You giggled again, said it was part of the plan
And you won me again with your charm.

My mind snapped back.

I'm sitting here now

Remembering good times back then.

My heart filled with joy and with all of the love
Found in those good times of when.

When I hold you forever inside of me
Your laughter still smiles from within.
Your song still sings its memory
And bright eyes will never grow dim.

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