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"Your serve Danny!" Sam called.

Danny launched the ball toward her. Sam dove for it and smacked it back into Danny's half of the court. They volleyed it back and forth several times before Sam rocketed it past him and out of bounds. 

"Ha! That's what you get for lengthening your arms!" Danny taunted, going to retrieve the ball. "Don't think I didn't notice them getting longer you cheater."

"Hey, you use what you've got," Sam shrugged, her slightly lengthened arms exaggerating the gesture. "You rotating in Tuck?" she called.

"No thanks, I'm uncomfortable around objects approaching the speed of light" Tucker replied. He was tipped back in one of the training field observation chairs, lazily flicking through open tabs in his goggles. 

Danny grinned and served the ball back to Sam. It had been a few days now and things were starting to feel better. The awkwardness between the group had dissolved. And now Danny was free to train with them without fear of discovery. He'd never played tennis with anyone but Jazz before, and was finding out the hard way that she hadn't been a very good player. Sam was ferocious. 

The ball flew back and forth over the court. With every hit it seemed to gain a little more power. As it flew back to Sam, she swung her long arms back and gave it a ferocious whack. Danny dove for the ball, feeling a rush of heat and adrenaline flow through him. 

The tennis ball exploded in a burst of green light. 

Tucker yelped and fell out of his chair as glowing shreds of the ball flew through the air. Sam jumped back in alarm, shielding her face. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"Danny gasped. "I don't- I didn't-"

Sam looked at him, alarm spreading over her face. 

"Danny!" she hissed, scanning the area for bystanders. 

Danny grabbed a piece of hair, realizing with horror that it was glowing white again. He hurried out of sight beneath the court balcony. Sam and Tucker ran over to join him. Luckily the court was still empty, most usual visitors at home for dinner by this time.

"Whew. Good thing no one was around to see that," Danny panted. He focused on his breathing, trying to calm his racing heart. Bit by bit he could see his hair dimming back to its usual black. 

"What was that dude?" Tucker asked, still looking stunned. "You completely fried that tennis ball."

"I don't know," Danny replied, leaning against the wall to steady himself. "Maybe something to do with that radiation burst thing my mom talked about?"

"We'd probably better call it for tonight," Sam remarked, eyeing the smoking shreds of the ball on the court floor. "I bet your parents will want to know about this."



"What is it now?"

"The ecto surge is back sir!"


"We've picked up another reading, even stronger than the last one! It's not too far from here sir."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's within the same vicinity as the first reading. And with everyone on lookout I'm sure we'll find the source soon."

"Dispatch the GIW to the area. And get me online with the general. He'll want to hear about this."

"Yes sir."

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