Part 10

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it was now way past 11 at night on New Year's Eve and me and Jessie were on that date she had suggested not so long back. Christmas had gone, and yes, Jessie had her present. They were the most expensive thing I think I'd ever bought her. But not that the price maters, that's what my dad always used to say, 'it's the thought that counts' and I still think that's true, even now.

Shoes. The little pricey fuckers. They were black suede wedge Jeffrey Campbell's with silver studs all along the back. Needless to say, Jessie loved them. She actually squealed like some sort of chipmunk when I gave them to her, wait, did chipmunks squeak?.

I don't know if they did, or not, all I knew was I nearly became fucking deaf after that, well no, I didn't, but still, she was really loud.

She'd gotten me this amazing, beautiful bracelet, with the most stunning fucking charms ever on it, and I had to say, it was like my favourite Christmas present ever, I'm not even joking, it was just so so cute. And pandora's not exactly cheap either...

Anyway back to the date.

We were at this all night sort of American diner kind of place, it wasn't the most high end or classy of places, but it felt homely as soon as you stepped inside. The staff were caring and weren't snobby arse tits like you find in half the restaurants in London, just friendly, like you could talk to them and order your food with out getting looked down at because you don't match their expectations.

This place had a balcony anyway, and me and Jessie were just standing on the edge with our arms locked and her head resting on my shoulder.

I was really going to miss Jessie when she went to America. Over these past 2 weeks we had grown really really close and now, just to see her go away when I wanted her here the most to carry 'us' on, she was going to America.

But At the end of the day, I can't stop Jessie from living her dream just because I'm a selfish person and don't want her to leave me. I just have to suck it up and fucking deal with it I suppose. And complaining about the situation wasn't going to make it any better.

"I'm going to miss you, you know". Jessie decided to pipe up in the middle of my thinking.

I looked at her and squeezed her a bit tighter as I wrapped my arm

Around her.

"I'm going to miss you to". I said, I really meant it, I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself. Like the most me and Jessie had ever been apart was like a week when I went on holiday and that was horrible not being near her.

Like she made the room light up, whatever one she was in, the whole room would be a more happy, positive, uplifting place when she was there. And 5 weeks. Well I hated that idea.

"It'll go quick tho Soph, hopefully". Jessie said as she squeezed my hand and me, into her embrace or whatever again.

"Mmm I hope it does.."

"It will" she reassured me.

"And we'll both have this night to remember until I'm back". She continued.

She was right, I mean this was amazing, from here you could see all of London. You could see the lights on the skyscrapers as people turned their lights on and off. There were very few cars on the road now, just the odd person here and there driving home to be with their family at the last minutes of the year, to surprise their loved ones with their homecoming. You could see some bars, quite a while away, with young teenagers and even people older than me and jessie, slurring around the streets. And then there was the fire works in the background. I never really got why people celebrated new year, but now I guess, standing here with Jessie, made me realise and reflect over this past year. Jessie had managed to change my life in less than 2 weeks, let alone a year, and I'm so thankful for that.

But what made this even more amazing, was the fact that we were here. Together. Me and Jessie. Just enjoying.

I guess it was,


"Yeah, this is perfect jess".

I said, I could see Jessie was about to talk to I put my finger to her mouth to 'sh' her. She looked so confused so I started talking.

"And before you go saying like 'nobody's perfect', I didn't say a person, I said THIS, so you can't go changing that to 'nothing's perfect' ok?" I laughed and so did Jessie.

"No, I was going to say, I agree with you babe, this is perfect, thankyou".

I smiled at her.

"Why thank you beautiful?" I asked.

"Because.." She started. "No one puts any effort into anything anymore, where as you, I can't complain about nothing you do, I love every thing about you". Jessie said smiling at me.

I grinned back.

"Jess don't interrupt me when I say this, but you are fucking perfect okay, your Jessica Ellen Cornish, you, are, perfect. I don't care what you say about 'nobody's perfect' okay because you are. Your the most perfect, loving, caring, amazing, loveable person, I've ever known and probably will ever know. But you know what?, I'm fine with that, because I only need one you. Your my best friend, my friends, like my advise counsellor or some shit, and now my girlfriend all in one, you're seriously perfect. No word of a lie"

Jessie looked up at me and smiled before squeezing me tightly.

"That's another thing I love about you". Jessie said as she put a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen onto my face.

I giggled before remembering something jessie had told me quite a while ago.

"So you know that tradition your family have.."

I started but Jessie spoke up.

"Babe my family have loads of traditions, you need to be a bit more specific than that". We both laughed, Jessie's family did have LOADS of traditions, no joke, I swear they had one for everything.

"The one where, you think that, the first person you kiss in the new year, will be the one that changes your life the most that year". I grinned at Jessie and she giggled at me.

"Oh that one" Jessie said rolling her eyes.

"Yes that one" I said putting the enfaces on the 'that'.

 "Yeah well.. What about it?" Jessie asked smirking slightly.

"I was wondering if you had anyone in mind". I said smirking out the corner of my eye.

"Hmm someone but they'll have to wait until..". Jessie got cut off as practically the whole of outside London started counting down from ten.


The countdown continued.

Jessie turned to face me as she pulled my head closer to hers with her hand behind me neck.

"So Soph, you ready to change my life this year". Jessie said smirking.

I nodded slightly before finishing the countdown.


The kiss continued for a while as we heard the people celebrating outside. We eventually had to break apart because both of us couldn't stop smiling.

We both giggled before falling into a hug. Holding each other tightly.

"Happy new year babe". Jessie whispered.

Oh, and it was.

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