Part 13

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3 days, 3 days, three, just three. at fucking last. it had been nearly 5 whole weeks now, and in three days, jessie would finally be back. back home here in my arms. cheesy or not, i don't care, i've just honestly missed her so much. we've obviously still been texting and we also skyped a few times, but like i said before, with the time difference, its really hard. we'd arranged that i would pick her up from the airport and then we were going back to her mum and dads house. i knew how much she missed her family, they were all so close and i knew jessie really hated being without them, especially her mum and dad. thats why we were going there after id picked jessie up. jessie had said she wanted to spend the night with me when she came back, and i did to, i just wanted to hold her and fall asleep with our arms wrapped around each others and hearing her breathing right next to me. she'd leave her stuff in my car whilst we were in her parents and then bring them into mine for the night before i take her home the next day and help her unpack. 

Unpacking, fun. Not. Like seriously, you know when you've come back from holiday or whatever, you just do not feel like putting all your clothes away and back on hangers or folding them and putting them in draws and stuff. I just never liked doing that, it was so annoying, especially if you're jet lagged, then you just want to sleep forever to be quite honest, it depends though, if you travel like a different way and then lose time or gain time, I don't know, I don't know how it works, but sometimes you can't sleep at all. I really didn't understand the world clock. Like why couldn't the whole world just be in one time? Wouldn't that be a lot fucking simpler? I don't know. 

It was Wednesday now, and Jessie was home on Saturday. I just wanted her home to be quite honest. This last week was dragging like I don't know what, it was just going so so slow. I had nothing what so ever to do, so I found myself doing the most random things ever. I watched the whole series reruns of 'friends' on like Channel 5 and then found myself walking around my house singing the theme time. How normal. "I'll be there for yooooouuuuu". Like I even considered asking some people who I knew in uni to meet up with me, but I didn't, so that was good. 

There was no one here in London to provide some company for me this week so I was just like a right loaner about the place. Claire had gone to Norwich or somewhere like that to teach some 'Zumba' classes and holly had gone with her because she was looking for a nice house there for her and her boyfriend, matt. He was sweet and nice enough in my opinion, holly hasn't done a bad job there. Jessie's mum and dad were about the place somewhere as we're Hannah and Rachel. 

My mum and dad had gone off to Ireland for 2 weeks to attend some 'business meetings' or some crap like that. To be honest, I didn't really give a shit what my parents got up to, it's not like it affected me in any way, shape or form, so I don't see why I even really needed to know what they were up to. I know I don't really come across as the most compassionate person ever, and with my parents, I certainly wasn't. Only to people I cared about, sounds stupid, but yeah. 

I spent most of Wednesday just yet again, lounging about my house, catching up on reruns of some old comedy series and stuff like that. The only time I left the house between then and Friday was to go down to the shop on the end of the road because I had ran out of bread and bacon. That's like literally what I had been living off recently, I just didn't have the effort and motivation and just couldn't be bothered to actually cook something decent for myself, so bacon sandwiches it was. 

I'd also rediscovered my love for chocolate bourbons recently to and my cupboard and the bin in my kitchen were jam packed with them, it didn't bother me though, I'd happily live off of them until they were all gone. 

About nine o clock in the night that day, Friday, I was lying on my bed with my laptop resting on my thighs while my back was resting on the headboard just mindlessly typing away. I'd been doing this for about 3 hours or something ridiculous like that now when my phone buzzed on my chest. 

Like shit. Whenever that happened to me, I always thought I was dying or I was going to have a heart attack or something horrible like that. It literally made me jump out of my skin. 

I picked my phone up and squinted at my screen slightly because it was so bright before checking who the text was from. Jessie.

"Hey babyyyyy! It's me! Well obviously.. Anyways, I'm home tomorrow!! I can't wait! Like I've missed you so so much, I'm sorry if you're already sleeping and you don't see this but are you free for Skype? Xxx" 

Awh, my heart melted at practically anything Jessie ever said to me, and this was no different. Even if I was tired as fuck right now, there was no way in the world I was going to deny speaking to her. I quickly text her back telling her of course I was free and that she could Skype me right away and I almost instantly got a response telling me that she'd make the call straight away. I smiled at this and it made me realise that I was actually so close to seeing Jessie and really really soon she would be back. At last. 

I soon had the little alert pop up in the corner of my laptop screen telling me someone was calling me on Skype, and knowing it was Jessie I instantly clicked answer. 

Not even seconds later Jessie's face was up on my screen, showing her giant toothy smile off. 

"Babe!" She said giggling.

"Jess, oh my god I miss you". I said smiling to. 

"Hey, I miss you to but I'm on the plane in less than 12 hours and ill be there by 4". She smiled softly and so did I. 

"I know, but I can't believe you're actually coming home, it feels like I haven't seen you in like forever, I know it's only been 5 weeks but still". Jessie giggled at me and so did I.

"I know, I'm so excited to be home, listen babe I haven't got long because I'm literally suppose to be in the studio right now recording this song but I couldn't concentrate but I just wanted to say how much I miss you but I think you know that now".

I couldn't help but smile at Jessie's cuteness like awh, seriously, I just wanted to smile and hug her and kiss her whenever I was near her.

"Awh okay babe". I Said smiling before continuing.

"You get back to the studio and do well, make sure you text me when you're on the plane before leaving yeah?".

Jessie grinned and nodded quite vigorously. 

"Yeah, I will don't worry about that, ill be landing before 4 so you better be there when I get there yeah?" . She said giggling in which my reply was a giggle and a nod. 

"Okay well, I've got to to, my managers nagging, but ill see you really really soon babe". I nodded smiling at her. 

"Yeah, you will". I smiled before waving as did Jessie. 

"By baby!". She said giggling as she shut down the chat.

I sighed as I smiled to myself before closing down my laptop to and rolling over to turn the bedside lamp off, plunging myself into darkness. 


That's when I woke up, the following morning feeling so so refreshed, well, I say morning, it was nearly afternoon, twenty to twelve. Oh my god, Jessie! I quickly rummaged around under my pillow before grabbing my phone and checked my messages. 2 from jessie. 

"Hey babe! I'm leaving for the plane now!! I have no idea what time it is in London but it's not long now! Xxx"

I smiled I myself as I read it before reading the next one 

"Hey babe! Me again, I don't know if my other text sent so here's another one, I'm on the plane now! We're just about to take off, I can't wait I'm literally buzzing! Xxx"

I laughed at how excited she was before I felt the excitement rising in me to, I sighed happily before sinking back down into my pillow and sighing to myself smiling and closing my eyes. 

I knew I'd have to get ready soon to leave for the airport, but right now, I just couldn't wait.

4 hours. At last. 

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