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James Potter was excited. Very excited. He bounced on the soles of his feet, humming to himself a nonsense tune. A smile that threatened to split his face into two grinning halves graced his face. His chocolate brown eyes glimmered with excitement, unadulterated joy, and strangely enough, the patience of a seasoned actor.

In his hands was a thick yellow envelope in which a piece of paper which decided his fate lay within. He would open it, oh yes he would, but not yet. Not just yet. When the time is right, he would, but for now, he was content to just wait.

 His ears slightly twitched as he strained for the soft ticking of the old clock that hung in the hallways. Tick. Oh how long has he waited for this moment. Tick. Too long to be legal, he decided. Tick. Almost...Tick.  The anticipation in the room was so thick he could almost taste it. Tick. WHY WON’T THIS BLOODY CLOCK MOVE FAS-Dong.  Showtime.

 His eyelids crinkled slightly in anticipation. He licked his lips, one wrong move and months of planning would be gone, wasted, just like that.

One small hand reached out and opened the door.

“I’m going in.” James whispered to no one in particular as he slipped into the room.


Harry Potter, The boy, now man, who lived. Destroyer of the dark one, The Master of Death. The highest ranker of Top 10 Hottest warlocks until his engagement with Ginny, was tired. He arrived at the Potter Manor close to midnight, mind numbingly exhausted. Work as the head of the aurors, as it turned out, was both draining and….. interesting. It was not unexpected to find a fangirl of the boy who lived pretending to be a potential auror , only to spring at him screaming : "FATHER MY YOUNG HARRY!!"

Harry snuggled in closer to his wife with a contented sigh. Life was good, albeit a little strange. He had a stable job, the most beautiful wife that ever graced the face of the planet, and his pride and joy, his three lovely childre-

"I vant your blood....."

"GAAARGHHHH!!!!" Harry stumbled out of bed, hand already on the wand strapped to his thigh. He aimed blindly, hoped for the best, and fired multiple stunners.

Red sparks shot out of Harry's wand as the intruder screamed, "DAD DON'T SHOOT ARGHH!!!-" then silence.

Harry fumbled for his glasses, heart pumping from the adrenaline brought from the (one sided) battle, only to find his foe on the ground, in the form of the thoroughly stupefied James Potter the Second.

"Bugger, Ginny's gonna kill me."


Grey, grey, GREY. Riley mused to herself as she tapped her pen onto her notebook. Something that has to do with Grey. Not pink, not yellow but Grey.

Riley chewed on the end of her pen thoughtfully, writing the song was hard. Who knew taking the seemingly innocuous writer's prompt would lead to this much grief.

Riley, a budding songwriter, was stumped. It was a bad feeling, she decided, to be completely lost on what to do. She swiveled on her prized swivel chair and placed a hand on her head ,”Oh, Hamish, What should your poor mama do?”

Hamish, the little calico cat, cocked his head. “Miao?”

“You think so?”

“Miao.” Hamish bat at his tail.

“Thanks, Sweetie.” Riley swivelled back,and started to scribble furiously on the notebook.

“Miao.”, Hamish stated firmly as he curled up into a ball, his fluffy black tipped tail swishing gently.

Riley sighed, if only life was more exciting, she would not be stuck to taking weird song requests from Youtube. If only things would happen like they do in her fantasy books, if only she could have an adventure.


Oh, Riley thought, another visitor.

She made her way down the stairs, Hamish padding at her heels. She opened the door and asked, “Cooper residence, who are you looking for, sir?”

The man outside the door looked about thirty years old. He had a stout figure with a neat mop of blonde hair, He looked rather uncomfortable in his t-shirt and jeans, quite surprisingly, and he wore a sheepish smile, revealing slightly crooked teeth.

“Hey, I'm looking for the parents of one Riley Cooper.”

“Oh, okay, wait for one moment please.” Riley turned away from the door and took a deep breathe, “ MOM! DAD! SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YAH!”

After  a while, an answering shriek thundered, “ LET HIM IN SWEETIE.”

“Come in,” Riley held the door open for the slightly frazzled man.

“Thanks,” He walked in. Riley noticed that under his fingernails were small clumps of soil.

“Who are you?” Riley asked the strange man.

“Oh!” He turned around and extended one arm, “Hi, I'm Neville, Neville Longbottom.”


hey this is the first chapter hehe like it , love it, tell me in the comments. love you guys muah!


oh and i do not own HP and da gang

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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