Chapter 7

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  My head was pounding once I woke up the next morning. I could barely even remember a thing last night. All I remember was drinking and of course arguing with Seth. I opened my eyes slowly as the sun shown through the window I flinched. I groaned and I planned to get up but I felt as if I could barely move. Then I noticed a strong arm wrapped around my waist. The person pulled me closer and the body felt really warm.

  What the hell happened last night? I sure do not remember going back to the hotel with someone. ever drinking that hard ever again.

  I moved the arm that was wrapped around my waist and I scooted myself out of bed. I stretched until I heard some bones crack and I heard the bed shift.

  "Mmm good morning sexy" I heard a raspy voice call out. I couldn't help but smile. Morning voices on guys are one of the things that turn me on. It just sounds so sexy.

  I turned around to face him. "Mor-" I froze when i realized who the person was laying naked in the bed. HE stared at me as if he had seen a ghost.

  "What the fuck?!" Was all that left my mouth. He shot out of the bed and stared at me.

  "What the hell are you doing in my bed!" He growled as his face hardened.

  "How the hell am I supposed to know! I was obviously drunk off my ass!!" I snapped.

  "SO we had ....s-sex?" He questioned we both groaned in disgust and I looked down and realized that I was still naked.

  "Oh God" I said as I covered my chest and walked around the bed.I couldn't help but notice that I wasn't walking normal. I looked at Seth to see that he was smirking. I rolled my eyes and scoffed in disgust and I went on a scavenger hunt for my clothes. Once I put all my clothes on I walked to Seth and I slapped him hard in the face.

  "Unbelievable" I snapped before walking away from him, leaving him in shock and I slipped my shoes on. "Do not tell a soul about this!" I snapped.

  He just scoffed. "Right, like I would tell the world I had sex with you" He glared at me. I just rolled my eyes and stormed out of his room and I slammed the door behind me. I groaned and I walked to the elevator and I pushed the up button. I patiently waited for the door to open and I sighed.

  Once the door was finally open I walked inside. The door was about to close but someone slithered in before it shut. I looked to see it was Randy. I just looked away and went to the corner of the elevator and i leaned my head back against the wall and I crossed my arms.

  "Bad night?You look extra cranky" He spoke. I let out a weak chuckle.

  "oh the worst night, self note: Never get so drunk ever again" I said while shaking my head.He chuckled.

  "What bad hangover?, pounding headache, memory loss?"

  I nodded. "All the above and a bad hook up"

  "Wasn't too pleasureable?" He teased. I blushed and giggled.

  "IF I could remember I probably would of said but if it does come to mind you will be the first to know" I joked.

  He chuckled and moved next to me."Besides it was with a person who I thought I would never be in the same room alone with" I said. He put his arm around me and I just snuggled into him and relaxed. Okay I am not a whore or anything but I am friendly with the superstars. Dakota and Sarah are my best friends and that all I need. Nothing wrong with guy friends and plus they know they won't get the wrong idea because I am not looking for a relationship right now.

  "Damn bet you weren't expecting that.."

"Very true..I really wasn't" I said shaking my head of dsapproval.

  The elevator reached our floor and the doors opened."Well I will catch you later" he said as he kissed the side of my head. I nodded and we walked off the elevator together and then we walked our separate ways.

  I walked to the hotel room i shared with Sarah and Dakota.I reached for the hotel key I had in my pocket and I opened the door. As I walked in the door I saw Dakota standing over a small table taking a pill and drinking some water. Must of been pills for the pain. Once she set the glass down she looked in my direction. Her eyebrows then furrowed.

  "Where the hell have you been? Partied to hard fell asleep with someone? Did you get it in?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. Just then, very slowly, piece by piece of what happened between Seth and I popped up in my head. All I saw was our naked bodies and many, many positions. How could I have remembered any of this in the first place?

  "Rob, you okay there?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and blinked.

 "Yeah I guess you could say that" I said as I took off my jacket and set it aside. She then smirked and pointed.

  "Yeah, guess that explains the two hickeys, nice accessory" She teased. I rushed to the small mirror hanging on the wall and I looked at my neck. Noticing the two hickeys on my neck.

  "Son of a bitch" I muttered as I just stared at it.

 She chuckled and walked over to me and just stood there."Sounds like you need a frozen spoon, that gets rid of hickeys ya' know"She said with a teasing smirk. I just rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed. She sat herself on the floor infront of me and crossed her legs.

  "So! Remember who the one night stand was?" She asked.

  I stared at her bugeyed.



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