Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8 :Holiday

"Oh my god," I groaned miserably, as the alarm clock buzzed from across the room. I usually didn't need to use it, because I always woke up before the noisy contraption, but given my late hours last night, it was necessary.

Rubbing my eyes, which were already starting to droop, I shivered as the memory of my most recent dream played inside my mind. The dreams, up until now, had consisted of me being alone in the forest, searching for what I loved most. However, my recent night terrors had been quite different all together.

Walking into a clearing, the light was splashed across my face, filling me with a sense of warmth. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, relishing the contentment I felt swimming through my veins.


A twig suddenly snapped, forcing me to open my eyes and scan the bright meadow, cautiously. I relaxed as a familiar person stepped into my view. Ary—pale skin glowing under the sun—appeared with a solemn expression. Her mouth was turned down and her eyes glistened with concern.


As I stared at her, confused, another twig snapped, and I forced myself to look in the direction of the sound. My mouth fell open and quivered as another familiar person joined us in the clearing. "Alice?"


There was an explosion of light as little Alice Cullen walked into the middle of the meadow. She wore a blank expression and her eyes were fixed on me.


My lips begin to quiver as I gawked at my best friend. "Alice?" I called out again, my voice sounding hollow and empty, even in a dream. My voice again, my voice sounding hollow and empty, even in a dream. My voice echoed in desperation as I stared at her while she glittering, in all her glory.


"Bella." Alice's voice retained its rich texture and glorious sound, making me rejoice and cringe at the resurfacing memories. "You've replaced me?"


Her question stabbed deep inside me, causing me to double over in pain. However, the excruciating pain was nothing compared to the agony behind her eyes. Alice's brow was wrinkled, and her mouth open, as if she were suffering, and her eyes burned into mine.


I recoiled from her question, like I had been slapped. "No!" I stared up at her from my hunched position, still attempting to control the agony. "I could never replace you!"


Her face brightened with hope and she took a step closer to me, her movements gracefully cautious. I smiled and straightened myself, wanting nothing more than to hug my best friend.


A loud growl cut my musing short, as Ary moved to stand in front of me, her form blurring before my eyes. "Ary, what's happening?" I could no longer see. The sun was blinding me, forcing my eyes closed, as I made an attempt to see what was happening.


All at once, a strange sound filled my ears—an abnormal ripping noise— and a loud snarl filled the remaining silence. A shadow fell on me, eclipsing the sun and providing me a small bit of vision. The monstrosity before me was gigantic, at least seven feet in height, and was covered in fur. I opened my mouth, ready to scream, when the creature began to speak clear and audibly.

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