Playing house

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First of all THANK YOU for all the lovely comments, they made me so happy, I never thought so many people would be reading this, it was only meant to be a one-shot at the beginning, haha! You guys make me grin so much so THANK YOU again!

Fast update today since I was hit with a bit of inspiration! I hope you like this chapter. We get a bit of insight into Yurio's PoV too, yay!

As for the skating comment, I hope no one got confused by Yuuri and Viktor jumping in the previous chapter. These obviously aren't real figure skating jumps, they just bounce up a bit and try to turn while doing it. They are way too small to really have done anything else.

Not beta-ed atm!


Yuri Plisetsky yawned, having problems to keep up with his father's steps as he brought him to Kindergarten. He didn't mind getting up usually but he had spent the weekend feeling bored and a bit hurt. He knew that Viktor and the other Yuuri (he preferred referring to him as katsudon) would go ice skating and no matter how much he begged, the only answer he had gotten was that he was too young and would only hurt himself. He was only two years younger than Viktor and katsudon was hardly any older than him. So his weekend had been very uneventful. He usually would have spent it with Viktor, the two of them doing whatever came to their mind but obviously that hadn't been an option.

He yawned again and looked at his father, noticing that they had arrived. He bent down and kissed his cheek, smiling a little.

"Be a good boy Yuratchka. Papa will have to be away for a few days so dedushka will pick you up later."

He nodded in silence, there wasn't really anything he could say. His father often had to travel because of work and his grandfather had told him that he is a great actor and therefore had to go to other countries a lot. Yuri didn't mind so much, he liked spending time with his grandfather, he liked it a lot.

Waving goodbye, his father left him with one of the teacher and disappeared behind the wall surrounding the property. The teacher guided him inside where an excited Viktor and a smiling katsudon waved at him. Huffing a little, he freed himself from the teacher's hand and walked over to Viktor and katsudon. He made sure to go as slow as possible, he was still a bit angry with them for abandoning him after all and he had to make sure they understood that. No one abandoned Yuri Plisetsky and got away without feeling his wrath for it. He sat down on a chair opposite the two other boys and pretended that the table was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Yuriooooooo! We had so much fun on the weekend, I wish you could have come too!"

Yuri sighed, of course Viktor had to bring the weekend right away. He looked at the older boy and shrugged, biting his lip as he spoke.

"When...when I'm older.....I'll come...."

Viktor nodded eagerly and translated what they had said to katsudon, who nodded in agreement. It was incredibly frustrating that Yuri still had problems talking to him properly. It had gotten a bit better but Viktor still had to translate a lot.

"Yuuri thinks...Yurio will be really good so...." the back-haired boy had to think for a moment before continuing in a shy voice. " make sure to come....."

He looked at Yuri and smiled, holding out a little keychain with a white and brown cat dangling on it. Yuri's eyes opened wide and le looked from the keychain to the other boy.

"For me?"

The Japanese boy nodded and pushed the little item into Yuri's shaking hands, grinning happily. Yuri looked at Viktor, who seemed to be incredibly pleased with the reaction the item had caused.

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