On the hogwarts express

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First ever novel but ahh well enjoy. Also I'd like to apologise or my terrible spelling and some of the story has been randomly cut off depending on your device. Wow i've made sound amazing a badly written half story....

Chapter 1

Like you know what it's like to be sister to a hero! Like you know what it's like to want to trade one burst of pain for an eternal life of pain. I'm Jemmima sister to the great and wonderful much loved Harry Potter. "JEMIMA IF YOU DON'T COME HERE RIGHT THIS SECOUND I'LL-" "I'm coming, I'm coming" I inturupted sighing at my aunt Petunia. Dragging my case outside, I pulled myself into the car slinging my bag in next to me. Harry slid in next to me and grinned "fifth year excited?" "Just as much as I was the last time you asked me" I groaned, I looked around and heard my uncle Vernon slurring his usual explosion "WHY? THEY GOT INTO THIS STUPID SCHOOL!" My aunt Petunia spat back "I know we should never have taken them in in the first place it's stupid the things we do, we're expected to earn to pay for them to earn for them. Trash off the street in my opinion." I watched Harrys arms strain in anger, my hands pushed his knuckles down into the soft cushion of the car restraining him from lunging at the pair of them. "I'm fine" he whispered I lightened my grip and he shook me off grimacing "Look Harry you know they're not worth it." "I'm destined for greater things not to listen to them put me down I'm destined to defeat the dark lord forever" I felt fury shoot through me, digging into me like a knife. "What about us? I'M destined for better things, that's what you said right? What about me you ALWAYS say I, like that lightening scar gives you rights, in this case rights to be ignorant" He shook his head slightly "look I'm sorry Jem I know how much you hate being known through someone else, liked because of your brother. Well I'm nothing special, not in my year I'm not a celebrity I'm a boy with a curse I hate, I'd pay almost anything to get rid of it" "and I'd pay almost anything for it" I muttered crossing my arms.

We didn't talk for the rest of the journey, we never do around the Dursleys. But the reason we weren't talking was our little...dispute had caused a bit of a rift "we're here now go" Aunt Petunia shrieked. We pulled out our suitcases and everything else needed for Hogwarts. I carefully transported my Pygmy puff into my skirt pocket and watched my brother disappear through the wall, I'd done this so many times but still nervous surrounded me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and plunged through the wall where the Hogwarts Express was waiting. Harry seemed to forget all about our argument as soon as he saw the familiar faces of his friends, I knew them all well from my many trips to the burrow but this time it was different, as I shook hands with George Weasley I saw something different in his eyes, a desire, possibly? But a want definitely, but a want for what?

We all took the same carriage, Ginny, my best friend had plonked her bottom next to mine wailing on and on about her terrible summer. Finally she turned to me with a "and what did you do all summer?" "We'll...I um..." I stammered trying to think about a highlight in my summer which wasn't visiting the burrow for a week "I read and...yeah that's it I read" I finished "Okkkkkaaaaayyyy" Ginny responded "now my summer doesn't seem so bad" "Yeah mine was pretty boring" I sighed, I looked around and noticed all eyes on me. Then Harry broke the silence with "isn't that your boyfriend?" I turned around and saw the tall and handsome Dean Thomas, ever since we'd started dating Ginny had had her eyes set on him, she was an open book never kept anything to herself. "Hey Jem" he smiled avoiding the meaningful looks of everyone else in the carriage, you see Harry didn't like him 'cause he was dating me and the Weasleys hated him 'cause he's Ginnys crush. "Hey Dean" I mumbled "I've saved a carriage for just us" he murmured in my ear, I cringed noticing we were now centre stage. Harry had become upright and his voice sounded strangled "alone in a carriage, don't you think you two love birds should cool it" "Harry I know what I'm doing I'm fifteen not some little girl you have to look after all the time" I scowled. "Still Dean's our friend, come sit with us there's room" Ron said backing him up. "Errr....alright then" Dean managed after surveying his little choice. As he made to sit next to me Harry quickly intervened "hey Dean there's no room over there come sit next to us, he pointed to the spot between him a Ron. Dean shrugged and sat in the seat indicated to him. The rest of the trip was awkward with little conversation and when there was it was rigid and forced.

We slowly came off the train dragging behind everyone else. As we stepped off the platform, Harry pulled me by the hand and swung me into a thestral drawn carriage, which I quickly slid off. And managed to persuade him to go ahead and leave me and Dean alone. He kissed me and said "I've missed you all summer, why didn't you visit or answer my letters" "because...because I didn't get any" I quickly lied "Jemima listen you've been acting weird and cold with me for a while, just tell me why!" "I've just been really tired, give me a few days and I'll be back to normal" I plastered a fake smile onto my face. Me and Dean we'd been super close from the start if last school year to the end, but he sent me letter after letter obsessively in summer and...well it was going to fast. One asked to meet up which I was fine with the next day he sent me one saying he loved and it progressed from there. Frankly I was weirded out. "Okay what ever you need" he murmured again in my ear. What I needed was to get rid of him, I'd got to the point where I couldn't stand him. He went to kiss me but subconsciously I turned away. He frowned and I said loud enough for him to hear but under my breath "just give me a little time"

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