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Okay so basically I've decided to continue writing it so yeah. Please vote and comment and stuff....thanks (if you vote and comment)!


"Welcome to my house-Potter" Malfoy growled, kicking aside a blunt knife that lay on the floor.

"Jemima NOT Potter" I snarled back gritting my teeth, whilst taking in my surroundings. Practically everything was made of black marble, except the pillars which were made of cold white marble. The click of my heels echoed through out the halls, giving it an ominous sound.

"Oh if they press found out about this...change of heart, well it'd be the scandal of the century" the blonde boy continued with that same permanent sneer in his voice. Just before I could retort he began to speak again.

"-wait here" and he hurried down the maze of corridors

Wait here had he seriously just told me to wait here? Like that was gonna happen-slipping off my shoes to prevent any sound that might give me away, I ran down the corridors. Sliding at the sharp corners I suddenly came to a halt-right in front of me stood emerald green walls embedded with patterns made of jade. My eyes widened as I slowly edged forward, carefully I ran my hands over the wall closet to me, looking- no feeling for a catch, a door. My finger nails scrabbled at the first thing I felt other than the patterns, pulling as hard as I could to open it-I eventually gave up and pulled out my wand.

"alohomora" I whispered as the door gently swung open, and I carefully stepped inside, again my eyes widened as I looked around. This room was completely different from the rest of the house, it wasn't pristine or made completely of marble. If was brightly wall papered, with toys strewn all over the room, the bed unmade and pictures of a little girl hung all over the walls at strange angles. But in the corner, lay a pile of clothes with a tail of blonde hair laying on top, which all of a sudden jerked-and again until it stood up to reveal a girl.

So what do you think, this chapter was kinda a filler?Plus who do you think the girl is? Next update:probably Thursday but-no promises, thanks again~Lucy~

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