Let the darkness shine through

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Hello fellow readers please please tell your friends about my story, I'd love to get as many reads as possible. Remember karma, one good deed gets another. Hope you enjoy and please check out my horror story it was all a dream.

I traced the scar on my arm, the dark mark, although powerless, was imprinted on my arm forever. It made me feel special, I loved the feeling of it, I knew now was the time to let the darkness shine through

George ran up to me "hey I heard about well....you know and I just wanted to check...you alright?" His arm was clasped around mine, shaking him off I muttered "fine" "Jemima....this is gonna sound mean but please don't do anything stupid" rolling my eyes I power walked down the corridor. He stood there staring straight ahead I could feel his gaze burning into my back like lasers. My walk turned into a run, my lip curled upwards and I pulled out my wand.

I ran to the bathroom quickly changing my robes into the emerald green of Slytherin, I back combed my hair and grabbed the flour I'd taken from the kitchen. I lightly brushed this on my face so I looked sickly, ill. Hoping to look no different from a Slytherin hoping my disguise would give me enough time to speak to Draco. My disguise wasn't needed though as soon as I exited the bathroom he was there, he bumped straight into me "hey are you n-" he interrupted himself "oh Jemima, Griffindors goody two shoes" "hardly" I replied scornfully to his mocking tone. "Look, I'm here to ask something of you" "what a Griffindor?" "I...had a little experience with your...friends. And... I'm willing for more" I rolled up my sleeve showing the imprint "this way" he whispered nodding at the door signalling for me to follow.

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