Part 4

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josh's pov

I was still confused how that girl knew my name hmm I walked back to the hotel, just thinking but nothing I don't know her I've never seen her before but I couldn't stop thinking about her for some reason I loved the way she smiled and the way her eyes sparkled. stop josh you can not like this girl, I shaked my head and got back to our hotel room jaymi was asleep so I was quite I didn't want to wake him up I got to the bathroom and had a shower. I heard jj and George coming thru the door shush you 2 jaymi's asleep I said walking up to them oh yeah crap they said we all went to bed no one had a girl back today but we definitely will be back at it tomorrow.

Annie's pov

I walked back from the club to my house it was so good seeing josh after ages but he doesn't recognise me I hope I get to see him more. I got home I lived in a house with my friends joey, sophie and caterina lovely bunch, a bit crazy but who doesn't love crazy people. I got some food then jumped in bed.

jaymi's pov

I woke up early and packed my last few bits and bobs i got everyone in my room where you going jaymi they asked well when i went on my date with olly we hit it of so much and i really like him and we want to make every moment last so we decided im going to move in with him till the holiday finishes we can meet up everyday thou i explained. well if you both like each other why not josh said im so happy for the both of you jj said while patting me on the back i hugged all the guys and got a taxi to ollys apartment.

josh's pov

Me, jj and George went to go eat some lunch we went to a food court at the mall the food was delish wanted more im a fatty i know, while i was eating my burger i saw the girl from the club she looked even more perfect shall i go up to her or not? wait why am i getting nervous im josh Cuthbert the player i can get any girl this will be a breeze i fixed my hair and went to her

oh hey stranger i said she turned around

oh hey josh what do you want? she said

your number and maybe we could go back to my hotel later  i said winking at her

erm you got to try harder for that she said winking at me then walking of

i was shocked normally i could get girls just like that but this was going to take a little bit of time i don't care i want this girl more than anything now. i walked back to the boys and they we're laughing at me you saw didn't you i asked yes they laughed i don't know but she's not like any other girls that I've been with she seems like a down to earth girl. awh has joshy got a crush on the girl from the club George said while laughing with jj oh shush you 2 I huffed

me and the boys went shopping i needed to some new shorts while i was shopping i saw that girl again ugh i just want her so bad omg josh get a hold of yourself. i moved near to her pretending to look for clothes but was really listening to the conversation. wait she's from londons that where i am from hmm omg she's got a gorgeous laugh and her smile omg i have got a crush on her. i shooked my head and went to walk of and i bumped in to her and dropped my drink all over her shirt oh my god i'm sorry she looked angry are you stalking me she asked no i was shopping and i'm so sorry let me atleast buy you a new top that's atleast i could do im so sorry fine i replied back oh fine she huffed. we walked to the womens section so um whats your name i asked Annie she said well its nice to meet you annie erm im really sorry im a clumsy person well i can see that she moaned she looked so cute when she was angry awh we got to the womens section she picked a top and i payed im sorry again its fine doesn't matter i never really liked this shirt anyways ah that's okays then i laughed so erm you wanna go out some day i said erm not tonight im busy but maybe some other time anyways thanks for the shirt bye she walked of fast what im never going to get this girl. I got my shorts and went back to the hotel I need to plan how i'm going to get this girl wait what if I don't see her again I don't have her number or anything oh frickin great. I stormed out the room and wondered of I didn't know where I was going but I thought I go to the beach and look at the sunset it looked so pretty okay now I sound like a girl. hey someone said sitting next to me it was annie omg erm hi what you doing here stalking me now I said winking at her and no this where I come and sit to watch the sunset its beautiful isn't josh she said looking in to my eyes I looked at her lips then her eyes I wanted to kiss her so bad, I backed away it is I said clearing my throat do you wanna um get ice cream I asked oh yeah sure lets go swirlies they do the best ice cream there she said oh okay but you have to take me because I don't know where it is, oh yeah I will so how you enjoying la so far? she asked its beautiful wish I could move here I replied. we got our ice creams and went back to the beach we'd talk all night she was so fun and down to earth I was really starting to like her. annie have my jacket your shivering I said putting my jacket around her oh thanks josh.

GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND someone shouted behind us I quickly shot up and so did annie what the heck annie he shouted

Jamie stop I didn't do anything wrong I was just having ice cream and talking we were wasn't kissing or doing anything wrong she replied

well it looks like the two of you we're getting cosy he moaned

Jamie calm down I don't even know him and I love you right she said kissing him on the lips oh okay I believe you then Jamie said

i can't believe she has a fucking boyfriend im heartbroken fuck her i stormed i can't be dealing with this shit anymore why did i even come out here







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