Part 7

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Annie's pov

I woke up with josh sleeping right next to me in the tent I tried to get up but he was holding me tight awh he looked so cute sleeping I kissed him on the forehead before shaking him to wake up he then opened his eyes morning beautiful he said rubbing his eyes morning josh come on let's go I said taking his arm of me I got out the tent and got the others boys we drove them back to the hotel guys we'll meet you later you go freshen up bye josh gave me a peck then walked of.

So cat anything happened between you and JJ I teased maybe she said blushing well that's a yes then I laughed she just went red and laughed.

We got back to our house and freshened up hmm what to do today I asked cat we could go to the beach she replied back ah yeah let's do that I'll text josh


Hey babe meet me at the beach okay bring the boys see you there xxx



Hey yeah sure babe be there in 10 xx


I looked at my phone and smiled okay let's go then I said picking my bag and keys up we got in the car and drove to the beach I put the radio on and glad you came came on the radio me and cat screamed and I turned the volume up and we sang out loud we got weird stares we didn't care though finally we reached the beach and I saw the boys.

Josh's pov

I saw Annie and she ran up to me I hugged her then kissed her she was a great kisser I said hello to cat then made our to the beach anyone want ice cream I asked and everyone said yeah so I went to get some.

I went to the ice cream van and their was a cute girl there just my type she had an amazing figure hmm should i or not i thought ah well no one will find out hey babe i went up to her she just blushed hey I'm Naomi she said nice to meet you Naomi i lost my number fancy giving me yours i said while winking at her she just blushed again and wrote her number on the napkin and handed it to me text you in a bit babe i said she walked of and i bit my lip cant wait to get her in bed i smirked and ordered our ice creams 3 strawberry swirlies and 3 chocolate swirlies i said she gave me a container to put them all in i payed for them and thanked the girl i walked back to the group and handed everyone there ice creams i sat by George and ate my ice cream i couldn't stop thinking about the girl I'm gonna destroy her in bed i laughed to myself what you laughing about aye George asked oh nothing i said while smiling me and Annie just started dating she'll never know I'm not changing for a girl pfft never i told the guys i didn't feel well and went back to the hotel

as soon as i got to the hotel i jumped on my bed and called Naomi

hello she said

hey Naomi josh here i met you at the ice cream van anyways wanna come over to my hotel got it to myself i said while smiling

she laughed and said yeah awesome i said before hanging the phone up i texted which hotel it was and after 5 minutes she came damn she looked so hot way better then Annie hey babe i said and i pulled her close to me and kissed her and she slipped her tongue in my mouth someones eager ha i picked her up and throwed her on the bed and got on top of her she ripped my shirt off and i took my jeans of i undressed her and we had the most amazing day

Annie's pov

josh was acting so weird since he came back from the ice cream van and he didn't sit nearer me he didn't even say goodbye to me hmm maybe I'm just thinking too much about it i got out my phone out and texted him


hey babe you feeling okay if not you want me to come around? Xx


i waited for him to text me back but he didn't i just put my phone away and packed my things and went to the car cat and the boys we're done at the beach i wasn't feel like going out tonight so i'll be staying in i probably invite josh over and cook him a meal ah that would be nice i said while smiling i made my way back home and called josh he didn't pick up i was getting worried i hope he's okay.

George's pov

we we're done at the beach and we made our way back to the hotel i could hear moaning coming from our hotel room what the heck i ran to the door and i unlocked it i was so disgusted at what i saw josh in bed with another women i thought he loved Annie i ran up to them got the girl off josh and shoved her clothes in her hands and shoved her out the door what the fuck josh shouted at me what the heck you playing at josh i thought you loved Annie i shouted back cmon George you know me i can never be tied down i don't know what i was thinking when i asked Annie out to be honest and he just laughed what a dick of course you loved her josh you always mess everything up i spat why, why do you care so much about her do you fancy her he spat me fancy Annie no she's yours josh i don't go after people's gf i spat getting more and more angry he nearly punched me in the face but JJ pulled him back you know what josh you tell Annie about this or i will i shouted before walking off god he's such a dick i hate the way he treats girls there not objects they have feelings too i said i went for a walk to clear my head. I saw Annie pulling up at the hotel and i ran up to her hey i said oh hey George hows josh she asked, oh alright i said he's sleeping i lied wait why am i lying actually think he's awake now why don't you go see him we're in room 34 i said before walking off she just smiled at me josh better tell her the truth or i will!


sorry i havent updated in ages, i hope you like it


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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